The story “Courier” and several versions of the film script were written before the USSR got to know the breakdance. As soon as the news about this new trend reached the Soviet Union, the local youth quickly started adopting it. Karen Shakhnazarov, the film director of the “Courier”, sensed this upcoming wave and included the first Soviet breakdancers in his film.
The courtyard was empty, only from one part of a hockey box was coming the sound of rhythmic music.
Ivan was for a moment in thought, then he went there.
In the circle of light cast by the street lamps, there was a music coming from a portable tape recorder. There were dancing some familiar guys – friends of Ivan. It was an unusual dance. Almost acrobatics. Guys were spinning somersault, landed on splits and did a handstand. Some tricks were quite clumsy, but the passion with which they danced and tumbled, rejoicing every time they successfully did the trick, was worth it. It looked great, almost like a show.
Ivan came to sitting on the edge of Bazin.
– Hi – he said.
– Hi, – said Bazin.
– Have they lost their minds? – nodded at the dancers Ivan.
– It is a new dance – explained Bazin. – Rhythmical.
– Some aerobics?
– What aerobics? Aerobics has passed. It is a flashdance. In the school # twenty-six everybody’s dancing it.
– Whatever who can? – Said Ivan.
– Yup, – nodded Bazin – It’s a cool dance!
Ivan slammed Bazin on the shoulder and entered the circle. He did a forward somersault straight away, then got on his hands and fell. made hand stand again and fell again. The third time he got up and walked on his hands in a circle.
– Awesome! – I shouted, smiling happily, one of the guys.
– Awesome! – I said Ivan did a back flick.
All flashed in his eyes. Rolled and hopped the earth and sky, the trees and lanterns, the garden and house, like all the earth danced …
… with him in a unison with the young strength and energy.