The Stories Behind Our Food

We woke up with the sun this Saturday morning to do some community work on the farm. My group’s responsibility was to climb into a pit filled with fermented corn, pass up buckets of the funky-smelling substance, and load it into barrels for relocation. Our shoveling...

Adventures of a Wannabe Foodie in Tokyo

When we arrived in Tokyo mid-afternoon the 3rd of January local time, my sleep deprived and weary body didn’t know quite what to expect. I’ll admit, I snuck in some quick z’s on the train from the airport to Ikebukuro Station. But as soon as I exited...

Sketches of Tokyo: First day

The first night in Tokyo’s Hotel Sakura Ikebukuro was fairly quiet; after a curry dinner in the hotel’s cafe, the inhabitants of Room 101, comprised of Dan, Marianne, and I, came back and prepared for bed. This is a quick sketch of the room, drawn the...

Anticipation & Memories

On January 2, 2016, the 21 students enrolled in ESJ-2016, the 7 in the partner DUR (directed undergraduate research) course, my friends & colleagues Paul Jackson and Laurel Brook and I will head to Japan for a month.  As I anticipate our upcoming experience, I...