Thank You ARI

Sitting in the airport with my fellow Oles as we wrap up an incredible month, I thought that I would share the thank you video that I made for the staff at ARI. They were the most welcoming and hospitable people ever and I wanted to show them gratitude for all that...

Why There’s Still Hope for Us

It’s been a while since I posted. The last time I wrote on this blog, I was an excited newbie in a country I had no previous experience. I write to you, dedicated readers, a changed man. My brain has been pushed to the limits with thoughts that are both...

Adventures of a Wannabe Foodie in Tokyo

When we arrived in Tokyo mid-afternoon the 3rd of January local time, my sleep deprived and weary body didn’t know quite what to expect. I’ll admit, I snuck in some quick z’s on the train from the airport to Ikebukuro Station. But as soon as I exited...