Fermentation for the Future of Farming

Much to my delight, our time in Japan has revealed to me that the Japanese diet includes a wide variety of fermented foods. Miso and soy sauce are two staples of Japanese cuisine that are both comprised of various forms of fermented soy. Walking down the streets of...

In Search of a Perfect Dessert

During our month in Japan, we have 2 free days where we can choose to travel. We spent our free days in Shinjuku, Harajuku, Asakusa, and Ikebukuro. On the day where we suppose to unite with the group in the afternoon, Hikari and I went to Hidemi Sugino in the morning....

Food Swings

Throughout our time here in Japan we have seen and experienced many foods that are “normal” in Japanese culture, but would be considered strange or even elegant in American cultures. But elegant, strange, or normal, food is food. Everyone eats. Everyone...

Why There’s Still Hope for Us

It’s been a while since I posted. The last time I wrote on this blog, I was an excited newbie in a country I had no previous experience. I write to you, dedicated readers, a changed man. My brain has been pushed to the limits with thoughts that are both...

Free Days in Tokyo

Our free days began with checking into our hotel, Khaosan Samurai Capsule Hotel in Asakusa. Each floor of the hotel had a room with 16 separate compartments, each only a few feet high and just large enough to fit a twin mattress, a small storage space, and a fold out...