Paul Timothy Jackson


University of Minnesota, Minneapolis      Ph.D. in Analytical/Organic Chemistry  1992-1997
St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN                 B.A. in Chemistry                                1992

Expertise/Interests:   Chemical separations, environmental analytical chemistry, surface water quality, green chemistry, civic engagement, environmental sustainability, international & off-campus study, pedagogy.


  • Professor, Chemistry & Environmental Studies Departments, St. Olaf College, (2022-present)
    • Designs and implements courses and experiential learning across chemistry, environmental studies, environmental conversations, and other interdisciplinary programs. As program director, facilitates and collaboratively plans biennial faculty-led off-campus environmental study semester to Australia and New Zealand. Directs undergraduate research related to the determination of contaminants in rural river watersheds, community based watershed assessments, green chemistry teaching methods, and sustainability in higher education.
  • Associate Professor, Chemistry & Environmental Studies Departments, St. Olaf College, (2005-2022)
    • Designed and implemented courses and experiential learning across chemistry, environmental studies and Asian studies. Co-designed and launched the environmental conversations program linking first year writing and religion courses to environmental studies. Program director for faculty-led off-campus environmental study semester in Australia and New Zealand. Directed undergraduate research related to water quality, land use, green chemistry and sustainability in higher education.
  • Chair, Environmental Studies Department, St. Olaf College, (2008-2014, 2017-2019)
    • Responsible for developing and fostering a community of students, faculty, staff, and citizens who passionately pursue the study of earth and human systems and take action to promote a more just, sustainable future for all. Worked with colleagues to establish strategic planning and development for department’s programs, educational mission and members, including a facilitating the M.A. Cargill award, a comprehensive department review, reports on the strategic resource allocation project, and proposal for expansion of department FTE. Collaborated with departments, offices, and personnel across the institution, including Bon Appetit, Facilities, International/Off-campus Studies, Natural Lands, Grounds, Government and Foundation Relations, Advancement, and Admissions; managed budget and endowment accounts affiliated with the department and its program. 5 year moving average of graduating majors and concentrators increased from 34 to 44 in a 25-20 split between majors and concentrators, respectively.
  • Assistant Professor, Chemistry Department, St. Olaf College, (1999-2005)
  • Camille and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Fellow, Chemistry Department, St. Olaf College, (1997-1999)
  • Research Scientist, SarTec Corporation, Anoka, MN (Summer 1997)
  • Technical Summer Employee, Corporate Analytical, 3M, St. Paul, MN (Summer 1992)


@St. Olaf College through Spring 2022
ASES 396 – Environmental Research in Japan (2 times)
CHBI 125 – Integrated Chemistry & Biology I with Lab (2 times)
Chem 107 – Forensic Science (1 time)
Chem 119/124 – Environmental Chemistry & Lab (7 times)
Chem 121 or 125 – General Chemistry & Lab (2 times)
Chem 126 – Energies & Rates of Chemical Reactions (2 times)
Chem 255/256 – Analytical Chemistry & Laboratory (17 times)
Chem 390 – Literature of Chemistry: Green Chemistry (1 time)
Chem 391 – Topics: Environmental Analytical Chemistry (1 time)
Chem 391 – Topics: Environmental Chemistry (2 time)
EnvSt 137 – Introduction to Environmental Studies (7 times)
EnvSt 237 – Integration & Applications in Environmental Studies (7 times, formerly EnvSt 281)
EnvSt 381 – Adv Topics: Green Building & Remodeling (1 time)
EnvSt 399 – Senior Seminar (2 times)
WRR/EnCon 112 – Imagineering Earth’s Future (1 time)
IS 207 – Rational Risk Assessment (1 time)
OFFC 228 – Environmental Science in Australia (2 times and Program Adviser since 2008)
WRI 111 – First Year Writing – Nature’s Mysteries (1 time – Environmental Conversation)

Environmental Chemistry/Stories of Everyday Objects


  • Steps toward decolonizing the curriculum, co-Facilitator, DISabroad. As part of the DIS Love of Learning initiative was invited with Sara Gjermandsen to organization and deliver a faculty workshop across Stockholm and København locations attending to identities, positionalities and creating learning spaces welcoming of all. (23 Sep 2020)
  • CILA Panelist: Teaching Eboo Patel’s ‘”Acts of Faith” Across the Curriculum. (08 Oct 2020)
  • CILA Teaching & Learning Workshop, co-Facilitator, St. Olaf College. Co-facilitated a small faculty workshop under the theme of “Leveraging Small Groups and Seminars in Teaching and Learning.” (Jul 2020)
  • Online Course Design and Pedagogies Workshops, ACM Faculty Development. Participated in all ACM sessions and breakouts. (Jun/Jul 2020)
  • Guest Researcher/Visiting Faculty, DIS. Taught course on environmental and chemical impacts of everyday objects and conducted sustainability related research. (Jan-May 2020)
  • Collaborative Arctic Environmental Research, Team Member. DIS. Participated in a week-long workshop to generate tangible ideas that would build research communities inspired by and rooted in the environment and realities of the Arctic (May/Jun 2019)
  • Summer Teachers Institute in Technical Art History, Team Member. Yale University. Participated in a case study focused week long experience in historical and contemporary art-making and conservation techniques under the them “Learning through Replication.” (July/Aug 2018)
  • Minnesota Green Chemistry Forum, Steering Committee Member. A cross-sector professional group that promotes green chemistry theory and practice in the state of Minnesota. (2010-2018)
  • Peer Reviewer, Average three reviews per year for the following scientific journals, web resources and organizations: Journal of Chromatography, Journal of Chemical Education, Environmental Science and Technology, Analytica Chimica Acta, Advances in Environmental Research, National Science Foundation, American Chemical Society – Petroleum Research Fund, Analytical Sciences Digital Library project ( (1999-present)
  • ACM-SAIL: Silicon Valley as Innovation Ecosystem – California, Member of three-person team from St. Olaf College examining characteristics of the silicon valley area with an eye toward encouraging innovation and risk-taking in higher education (July 2016).  Contested Spaces – Colorado, Member of three-person team from St. Olaf College examining how one understands any environmental area as a contested space and developing integrative models of environmental education (June 2014).
  • Environmental Conversations, Member of interdisciplinary faculty learning community focused on sustainability in higher education. Working group developed, proposed, and piloted new first-year conversation program that employs existing courses in a broad, interdisciplinary framework to explore environmental sustainability in all its meanings and implications. (Spring 2013-2015)
  • Minnesota Green Chemistry Higher Education Grant Initiative, Member of development team for a green chemistry grant award program through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to higher education faculty throughout the state. (2011-2013)
  • Integrated Introductory Biology and Chemistry Working Group, Member of interdepartmental faculty team supported by an HHMI award. Working group developed strategy to assess current introductory courses in biology and chemistry and propose a strategy to integrate educational activities in the two departments at the introductory majors level. (Spring 2004-2009)
  • Faculty Workshop Coordinator, “Moving Campus Sustainability Forward through Collaborative Student-Faculty-Staff Projects” Midstates Consortium for Math and Science, Northfield, MN, October 2-4, 2009, Planned, coordinated and presided at three day symposium.
  • Consultant, Science Museum of Minnesota, Worked with the Teacher Programs leadership of the Science Museum of Minnesota to help plan renovations of the sustainable Science House facility into a K-12 science teacher resource space, including design of a small test laboratory facility. (October 2006-2008)
  • Faculty Workshop Coordinator, “Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning: Can Introductory Science Teaching and Learning be Interdisciplinary within the Natural Sciences and Mathematics?” PEW Midstates Mathematics and Science Consortium, Northfield, MN, October 7-9, 2005, Planned, coordinated and presided at three day symposium.
  • Session Presider, The Pittsburgh Conference 2004, Chicago, IL, March 7-12, 2004. Symposium Coordinator, The Pittsburgh Conference 2003, Orlando, FL, March 9-14, 2003, Planned, coordinated and presided at full-day symposium titled “High Stability/Novel Phases for HPLC.”
  • Chair, Minnesota Chromatography Forum Undergraduate Award Committee (2003-2007)
  • Director, Minnesota Chromatography Forum (2000-2003), Governing board member of a regional scientific society committed to the advancement of chromatography. Since its founding in 1978, the MCF has provided area chromatographers with the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the separation sciences in a variety of ways. Directors coordinate quarterly professional meetings and provide oversight to operations of society, including a spring conference.


Association of Environmental Studies & Sciences                          2014-present
American Chemical Society                                                             1993-present
Phi Beta Kappa                                                                                 1992-present
Project Kaleidoscope, Faculty for the 21st Century                          2002-2012
Council on Undergraduate Research                                                  1998-2005
Minnesota Chromatography Forum                                                   1993-2015
MN Campus Compact President’s Civic Engagement Steward Award      2015


** denotes undergraduate co-authors
† denotes formal non-author contributions from undergraduate collaborators (CURI, IR/IS, DUR, etc.)
‡ denotes informal non-author contributions from undergraduate collaborators (volunteers, courses, etc.)


  1. Finster, David; Jackson, Paul T. “Comprehensive Undergraduate Safety Instruction,” J. Chem. Educ. 2021, 98(1), 39 – 44.  DOI: 10.1021/acs.jchemed.0c00121
  2. Tegtmeyer Pak, Katherine; Jackson, Paul T.  “Transformation inspired from the margins,” ASIANetwork Exchange, 2020, 27(1), 73 – 96. DOI: 10.16995/ane.308.
  3. Fish, Caryl; Jackson, Paul; Walczak, Mary; Riter, Ruth; “Band Broadening Effects in Chromatography,” In Analytical Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry Approach, Quantitative Analysis Collection, Lantz, J. and Cole, R., Eds. Wiley and The Pogil Project: New York, NY, 2014. ISBN: 9781118891315
  4. Fish, Caryl; Walczak, Mary; Riter, Ruth; Jackson, Paul; “Introduction to Chromatography,” In Analytical Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry Approach, Quantitative Analysis Collection, Lantz, J. and Cole, R., Eds. Wiley and The Pogil Project: New York, NY, 2014. ISBN: 9781118891315
  5. Kallestad, B; Jackson, P. T.; Hakanson, K.; Larson, C.; Diagnostic Study Report and Implementation Plan, Rice Creek Assessment Project Resources Investigation. Accepted by Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Sept 2013.
  6. Jackson, P.T.; “Case Study Approach to Green Chemistry Impacts on Science Facility Design and Operations: Regents Hall of Natural Sciences at St. Olaf College.” In Innovations and Renovations: Designing the Teaching Laboratory, ACS Symposium Series 1146; American Chemical Society: Washington DC, 2013, pp 43-56. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2013-1146.ch004
  7. Walczak, M.M.; Jackson, P.T.; “Leveraging Collaborations, Conversations and Experimentation to Create an Interdisciplinary Science Facility.” In Innovations and Renovations: Designing the Teaching Laboratory, ACS Symposium Series 1146; American Chemical Society: Washington DC, 2013, pp 29-41. DOI: 10.1021/bk-2013-1146.ch003
  8. Walczak, M.M.; Jackson, P.T.; “Incorporating Information Literacy Skills into Analytical Chemistry: An Evolutionary Step,” Chem. Educ. 2007, 84(8), 1385-1390.  DOI: 10.1021/ed084p1385
  9. Jackson, P.T.; Walczak, M.W.; “Incorporating Scientific Communication into Summer Research through a Weekly Workshop Series,” CUR Quarterly, 2005, 25(3), 132-137. article link
  10. Jackson, P.T.; Carr, P.W.; “A Study of Polar and Nonpolar Substituted Benzenes and Aromatic Isomers on Carbon Coated Zirconia and Alkyl Bonded Phases,” Chromatogr. A 2002, 958, 121-129. DOI: 10.1016/S0021-9673(02)00392-8
  11. Jackson, P.T.; Walters, J.P. “Role-Playing in Analytical Chemistry I: The Alumni Speak,” Chem. Ed. 2000, 77(8), 1019-1025. DOI: 10.1021/ed077p1019
  12. Jackson, P.T.; Carr, P.W. “Improving Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography,” CHEMTECH, 1998, 28(10), 29-37.
  13. Jackson, P.T.; Kim, T-Y.; Carr, P.W. “Diastereomeric Selectivity of Carbon Coated Zirconia Reverse-Phase Liquid Chromatographic Media,” Chem. 1997, 69, 5011-5017. ** DOI: 10.1021/ac970561h
  14. Jackson, P.T.; Carr, P.W.; Schure, M.R.; Weber, T.P. “Intermolecular Interactions Involved in Solute Retention on Carbon Media in Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography,” Chem. 1997, 69, 416-425. DOI: 10.1021/ac960453f
  15. Weber, T.P.; Jackson, P.T.; Carr, P.W. “Chromatographic Evaluation of Carbon-Clad Porous Zirconia Microparticles,” Chem. 1995, 67, 3042-3050. DOI: 10.1021/ac00113a045

Public scholarship & digital media

  1. Jackson, P. T.; Crowley, Michael; Staub, Lauren; Ndahiro, Natasha; Christensen, Alisara; Kellogg, Joe; Bird, Jeremy; Bachmann, Courtney; “Interactive Campus Sustainability Map” released September 2018. **
  2. Dell, I.; Muir (Christie), S.; Jackson, P. T.; “A Playful Approach to Practicing Creativity and Innovation” In Curricular materials created for the 2016 SAIL seminar: Silicon Valley as an Innovation Ecosystem. Associated Colleges of the Midwest, Chicago, IL, May 2018.   Feature News article:

Advance contracts & other publications

  1. Jackson, P. T. and Tegtmeyer Pak, K. 2020- Pragmatic Utopians: New Paths to Environmental Sustainability from Local Japan.  Book contract with Lever Press.
  2. Rovner, S. L. “Where are They Now?” Eng. News 2004, 82(25), 36-40.  Interviewed and quoted in article.
  3. Jackson, P.T. “Keeping the Faith” in Academic Disciplines: Friends of Faith?, Olaf College, Northfield, MN, 2003.
  4. Wilkinson, S. L. “Starting from Scratch: New Professors Share Their Experiences,” Eng. News 2000, 78(25), 41-47. Interviewed and quoted in article.

Presentations & panels (conference)

  1. National Nonpoint Source (NPS) Training Workshop “Farmers Protecting Rice Creek- A native brook trout stream almost entirely surrounded by row crop agriculture.” Agriculture Conservation Case-Studies, Nov 6-9, 2023, Minneapolis, MN. Kristen Dieterman, Alan Kraus, Paul Jackson.
  2. AESS Conference “Mapping satoyama – where are they and what do they look like?” Jul 9-12, 2023, Portland, OR. Paul Jackson, Kathy Tegtmeyer Pak, Kathryn Ziegler-Graham, Maureen Wainwright, Rohan Silbaugh, Andrew Noecker. **
  3. AESS Conference “An Initial Survey of Microplastics in the Cannon River Watershed?” Jul 9-12, 2023, Portland, OR. Logan Bocovich and Paul Jackson. **
  4. AsiaNetwork Conference “Mapping satoyama – where are they and what do they look like?” Apr 14 – 16, 2023, Columbus, OH. Paul Jackson, Kathy Tegtmeyer Pak, Kathryn Ziegler-Graham, Maureen Wainwright, Rohan Silbaugh, Andrew Noecker. **
  5. Deconstruction + Reuse Conference “Using Academic Civic Engagement to explore and to promote alternatives to structure demolition.” Oct 19-21, 2021  Virtual  Paul Jackson, Matt Rohn, Lauren Sherman, Harris Kramer.**
  6. Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) “Scaffolding safety instruction across the undergraduate curriculum.” Jul 18-23, 2020  Corvallis, OR. Paul Jackson.
  7. Biennial Conference on Chemical Education (BCCE) “Bringing systems thinking and green chemistry to non-majors through exploring the environmental and chemical stories of everyday objects.” Jul 18-23, 2020  Corvallis, OR. Paul Jackson. ‡   Abstract accepted March 31, 2020. Because of the global COVID-19 pandemic, the conference was terminated on April 2, 2020, by the Executive Committee of the Division of Chemical Education, American Chemical Society; and, therefore, this presentation could not be given as intended.
  8. 24th Annual ASIANetwork Conference “Paired Perspectives: Science, Social Science, and Sustainability in Japan” March 4-6, 2016, PANEL Faculty-led Engaged Learning Abroad, St. Petersburg, FL. Kathy Tegtmeyer Pak and Paul Jackson.†
  9. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) “Using Green Chemistry to Introduce and Promote Sustainability in the Chemistry Curriculum and Profession” 26-29 Oct 2015  PANEL, Minneapolis, MN. Tim Kapsner, Amy Cannon, Paul Jackson, Jane Wissinger.
  10. Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) “Ten Years and Counting: Navigating the First Decade of Utility-Scale Campus Wind Turbine Operation” Oct 26-29 2015  Minneapolis, MN. Martha Larson, Pete Sandberg, Paul Jackson.
  11. 80th Association of Lutheran College Faculty Conference, “Backyard Communities as Sources of Inspiration and Innovation” Sep 25-27, 2015  Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, WA. Paul Jackson.
  12. Upper Midwest Association for Campus Sustainability “Models used by Upper Midwest Liberal Arts Colleges to forward institutional sustainability objectives and engage undergraduates.” Jun 19-20, 2015   Bemidji, MN. Paul Jackson.
  13. North Central One-Day Conference, Society for College & University Planning, Panel Coordinator & Participant: “The Integrated Process of Campus Sustainability and Green Chemistry” April 25, 2013 Northfield, MN.  Paul T. Jackson, Andi Gomoll, Jim Farrell, Peter Abrahamson.** †
  14. Minnesota Green Chemistry Forum. “Green Chemistry Education: a Liberal Arts Perspective” Jan 25, 2013  Minneapolis, MN.  Paul T. Jackson.†
  15. American Chemical Society. “Lessons learned from the Design, Construction and Operation of Regents Hall of Natural Sciences at St. Olaf College” Aug 28-Sep 1, 2011, Denver, CO.  Paul Jackson, David VanWylen
  16. Ecological Society of America, “An Analysis of Allochthonous and Autochthonous Contributions to Brook Trout Diet Using Hydrogen, Nitrogen, and Carbon Stable Isotopes” Aug 7-12, 2011, Austin, TX.  Christina R. Herron-Sweet, Gregory Gauthier, Paul T. Jackson and Stephanie N. Schmidt.**
  17. 15th Green Chemistry & Engineering Conference, “Impacts of green chemistry on the design, construction and operation of undergraduate science facilities: Regents Hall of Natural Science, a case study” Jun 21-23, 2011  Washington, D.C.  Paul Jackson, David VanWylen
  18. Minnesota Academy of Science, “The impacts of green chemistry on the scientific enterprise: stories of inspiration, innovation, and resource use” April 16, 2011, Brooklyn Park, MN.  Paul T. Jackson
  19. The Midstates Consortium for Math and Science: Undergraduate Research Symposium in the Physical Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science. “Presence of Metals in Storm Water Runoff”  November 12-14, 2010 Washington University, St. Louis, MO.  James Jaffe, Jennifer Sandahl, Mary Walcak, Paul Jackson.**
  20. Laboratory Design Conference, “Design Issues for ‘Green’ Chemistry Labs.” Sep 17-19, 2008, St. Louis, MO. Ernie Wagner and Paul Jackson.
  21. 22nd National Conference on Undergraduate Research, “Retracing the 1838 Undine Expedition of J. N. Nicollet: Changes to Surface Waters and Water Quality” April 10-12, 2008. Salisbury University, Salisbury, MD.  Susan Olson, Paul T. Jackson, Anna Fedorowicz, Rebecca Huncosky, Alexandra Pyan, Amanda Rubasch, Katherine Huber.**
  22. American Chemical Society, “Incorporating green chemistry into the campus sustainability initiatives at St. Olaf College” Aug 19-23, 2007. Boston, MA. Paul T. Jackson, Robert M. Hanson, Gary O. Spessard, Jim Farrell, Pete Sandberg, Marc Klingshirn.
  23. American Chemical Society, “Incorporating Green Chemistry into an Analytical Chemistry Curriculum: II. Laboratory Development and Implementation.” Aug 19-23, 2007. Boston, MA. Paul T. Jackson, Julia A. Brown, Lauren Kunz, Matthew Germscheid.**
  24. The Pittsburgh Conference. “Incorporating Green Chemistry into an Analytical Chemistry Curriculum: I. An Initial Assessment.” Feb 25-Mar 2, 2007. Chicago, IL. Paul T. Jackson, Julia A. Brown, Paul R. Campbell, Laurence R. Gaalaas, Lance C. Kuehn, Elizabeth R. Johnson, Nicholas R. Mattsson.**
  25. The Pittsburgh Conference “Carbonaceous RPLC Stationary Phases Based on Porous Zironia: Stability is the Name, Selectivity is the Game,” March 7-12, 2004. Chicago, IL. Paul T. Jackson.
  26. The Pittsburgh Conference “RPLC Retention Characteristics on Stationary Phases Possessing Embedded Polar Groups and Polar Encaps,” Mar 9-14, 2003. Orlando, FL. Paul T. Jackson, Samuel E. Schutz, Heather A. Hrodey.**
  27. 156th Conference of the Two-Year College Chemistry Consortium, Anoka-Ramsey Community College, Keynote Address, “Bridging the Great Divide: Student and Faculty Cooperative Learning Facilitated by Technology,” Coon Rapids, MN, Sep 14-15, 2001. Paul T. Jackson.
  28. The Pittsburgh Conference. “An Examination of RPLC Retention on Stationary Phases Possessing Embedded Polar Groups,” Mar 3-8, 2001. New Orleans, LA. Paul T. Jackson, Samuel E. Schutz.**
  29. Minnesota Chromatography Forum 20th Annual Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, May 18-20, 1999, “Characterizing the Silanophilicity of Silica Based RPLC Column Media,” Paul T. Jackson, Catherine Thoen.**
  30. 15th Biennial Conference on Chemical Education, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 8-13, 1998, “Who is Watching?  Developing a Clinical Chemistry Dilemma and Assessment Tool for Role-Playing in Analytical Chemistry,” Paul T. Jackson, John P. Walters.
  31. The Pittsburgh Conference, New Orleans, LA, March 1-5, 1998, “The Separation of Isomers and Stereoisomers Featuring the Remarkable Chromatographic Selectivity of Carbon Based Reversed Phase Adsorbents,” Peter W. Carr, Paul T. Jackson.
  32. 36th Eastern Analytical Symposium, Somerset, NJ, November 16-21, 1997, “The Remarkable Chromatographic Selectivity of Carbon Based Reversed Phase Adsorbents and Their Application to Separation of Diastereomers Based on Mosher’s Reagent for the Analysis of Chiral Drugs,” Peter W. Carr, Paul T. Jackson.
  33. 113th ACS National Meeting, San Francisco, CA, April 13-17, 1997, “Geometric Sensitivity:  A Key Component in the Separation and Quantitation of Stereoisomers by Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography Using Carbon-Based Stationary Phases,” Paul T. Jackson, Tae-Young Kim, Peter W. Carr.**
  34. HPLC ‘96 – 20th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, San Francisco, CA, June 16-21, 1996, “Carbon-Clad Zirconia as a Reversed-Phase HPLC Packing Material for the Analysis of Isomeric Analytes and Environmental Contaminants,” Paul T. Jackson, Peter W. Carr.
  35. HPLC ‘96 – 20th International Symposium on High Performance Liquid Phase Separations and Related Techniques, San Francisco, CA, June 16-21, 1996, “The Pursuit of Monomeric Reversed-Phase Supports on Microporous Zirconia,”  Michael H. Glavanovich, Paul T. Jackson, Peter W. Carr.
  36. 209th ACS National Meeting, April 2-6, 1995, Anaheim, CA, “Semifluorinated Alkanes: Organic Synthesis with Chromatographic Applications,” Jennifer L. Peters, Paul T. Jackson, Peter W. Carr.**
  37. 28th Great Lakes Regional Meeting of the ACS, LaCrosse, WI, June 5-8, 1995, “Chromatographic Evaluation of Carbon Overlaid Zirconia,” Thomas P. Weber, Peter W. Carr, Paul T. Jackson.

Workshops, Seminars & Specialized Events

  1. Smart Labs for National Labs. “Reflections on 15 years of Operation – Regents Hall of Natural Science” 30 Nov 2023. National Renewable Energy Lab, Golden, CO. Virtual seminar/workshop. Paul Jackson.
  2. Love of Learning Workshop at DISabroad. “Steps toward decolonizing the curriculum” 23 Sep 2020. Copenhagen, Denmark. Paul Jackson & Sara Gjermandsen
  3. Minnesota Conference on Science Education, “Going Green in the Chemical Sciences Classroom” 20 Feb 2015, MNSTA, Mankato, MN. Paul Jackson & Jane Wissinger.†
  4. LIASE Exploration Workshops at Japanese Universities. “Rice Creek Assessment and Interdisciplinary Collaborations at Liberal Arts Universities.” Tokyo University of Agriculture (Nodai), Wako University, Ritsumeikan University. Jun 2013 Paul Jackson
  5. Green Chemistry, Green Buildings and Green Campus Workshop, July 30, 2010. BOLDT/PKAL Learning Spaces Collaboratory, “The Impacts of Green Chemistry on the Design, Construction & Operation of Undergraduate Science Facilities” Northfield, MN. Paul T. Jackson
  6. Midstates Consortium for Math and Science Sustainability Workshop, Oct 2-5, 2009. “Moving Our Ideals into Action: Campus Environmental Sustainability Initiatives and Implementation” Northfield, MN. Jim Farrell, Paul Jackson, David Mitchell, Wesley Pearson, Rebecca Rand, Matt Richey, John Schade, Kathleen Shea, Charles Umbanhowar, Jr., David Van Wylen, Anne Walter.**
  7. 2009 Minnesota Analytical Professors, April 3, 2009. “Exploring a ‘Building as Teacher:’ Regents Hall of Natural Science” Northfield, MN. Paul T Jackson
  8. 2007 Minnesota Air, Water & Waste Environmental Conference, Feb 28-Mar 1, 2007. “Green Chemistry in Undergraduate Science Education: A Case Study at St. Olaf College.” Bloomington, MN.  Paul T. Jackson. †
  9. Faculty Workshop Coordinator, “Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning: Can Introductory Science Teaching and Learning be Interdisciplinary within the Natural Sciences and Mathematics?” PEW Midstates Mathematics and Science Consortium, October 7-9, 2005. Northfield, MN.
  10. Project Kaleidoscope Faculty 21 National Assembly, October 15-17, 2004. “Faculty Conversations about Teaching and Learning,” Dallas, TX. Paul T. Jackson and Mary M. Walczak.
  11. 10th National Conference, Council on Undergraduate Research, June 23-26, 2004. Workshop: “Incorporating Scientific Communication into Summer Research,” LaCrosse, WI. Mary M. Walczak, Paul T. Jackson, Charles Umbanhowar, Jr. and Dave Van Wylen.
  12. Project Kaleidoscope 10×10 Minnesota Assembly, Oct 10-12, 2003. Workshop: “A View from the Trenches: Teaching Analytical Chemistry via Role-Playing,” University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. Paul T. Jackson.
  13. Project Kaleidoscope Faculty 21 National Assembly, Oct 11-13, 2002. Co-facilitator, “Birds-of-a-Feather” Lunch Meeting
  14. Minnesota Chapter – Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, Oct 24, 2002. “An Introduction to Role-Playing in Analytical Chemistry” St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN. Paul Jackson.
  15. Midwestern Association of Chemistry Teachers in Liberal Arts, Oct 26-27, 2001. Analytical Chemistry Discussion Group, “A Capstone Clinical Chemistry Dilemma and Assessment Tool for Role-Playing in Analytical Chemistry,” University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. Paul T Jackson, John P. Walters, Phillip I. Volkers.**
  16. St. John’s University/College of St. Benedict, Department Seminar, February 17, 1999. “Carbon HPLC Media: Selectivity is the Name of the Game,” Paul T. Jackson.

Outreach/Public Presentations & Seminars

  1. Year 4 Update: Cover Crop Management of Agricultural Drainage Nutrients in the Rice Creek Watershed. Mar 14, 2023, Farmers Protecting Bridgewater Streams meeting, Faribault, MN, Jackson, P.T., Kraus, A. and Shea, K.‡
  2. Nutrient Management via Cover Crops. Nov 9, 2022, Bridgewater Township Board meeting, Dundas, MN. Jackson, P.T., Kraus, A.
  3. Year 3 Update: Cover Crop Management of Agricultural Drainage Nutrients in the Rice Creek Watershed  Mar 15, 2022, Cover Crop Workshop with Clean Water Partners, Faribault, MN. Jackson, P.T., Kraus, A. and Shea, K.‡
  4. Year 2 Update: Cover Crop Management of Agricultural Drainage Nutrients in the Rice Creek Watershed  Jun 15, 2021, Clean Water Partners project update, Dundas, MN. Jackson, P.T., Kraus, A. and Shea, K.‡
  5. “Recasting Vocation in a New Planetary Era” May 13, 2021, Lutheran Center for Faith, Values, and Community. Panelists: Kiara Jorgenson, Paul Jackson, Rev. Jin Kim, Cynthia Moe-Lobeda, Kevin O’Brien, Rev. Martha Schwehn Bardwell.
  6. “Rice Creek and the Cannon River Watershed” Dec 17, 2020, Fishers and Farmers Partnership.  Boots on the Ground webinar series (via Zoom). Panelists: Alan Kraus, Tim Little, Kathy Shea, Paul Jackson, and Steven Pahs. Archived at FFP YouTube channel:
  7. “Park the Plow: Tillage, Cover Crops, and Clean Water.” Sep 2, 2020.  Cannon River Watershed Partnership, MN Dept of Agriculture and Rice SWCD. David & Mark Legvold Farm, Northfield, MN.
  8. “Cover Crops, Tillage and Trout: How are they all connected?” Sep 19, 2019.  Cannon River Watershed Partnership, MN Dept of Agriculture, Fishers & Farmers Partnership, Environmental Initiative. Roger Helgeson Farm, Northfield, MN. Paul Jackson
  9. “Going Green in the Chemical Sciences Classroom”  17 Oct 2014, Education Minnesota, St. Paul, MN  Paul Jackson & Jane Wissinger.†
  10. “The Little Trout Stream that Could: Stories from the Two-year Study of Rice Creek” Oct 10, 2013, Zumbro Watershed Partnership, Rochester, MN. Paul Jackson.†
  11. “Creation Care, Community Care and Undeniable Relationships,” Sep 8, 2013, St. Paul Lutheran Church, Pine Island, MN. Paul Jackson.
  12. Dundas Planning Commission, 19 Jan 2012, Dundas, MN “Rice Creek Assessment Project: Measuring the health of the only trout stream in Rice County” Paul Jackson
  13. Zumbro Watershed Partnership, Oronoco, MN, January 11, 2007, “The Cannon River Watershed & What Your Cup of Coffee Reveals,” Paul T. Jackson.†


  • Fishers and Farmers Partnership for the Upper Mississippi Basin.  Sr. Personnel, “Benefits to stream health in three Cannon River sub-watersheds by increasing cover crop practice adoption”; $435,500
  • Fishers and Farmers Partnership for the Upper Mississippi Basin.  Sr. Personnel, “Farmers Protecting Rice Creek: A Self-Regenerating Trout Stream, Rice Co” $$325,000; F18AC00760 – 2018
  • Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment.  Co-PI,  Stage 2: “Environmental Connections: Building Bridges for the 21st Century” $400,000 – 2014.
  • Luce Initiative on Asian Studies and the Environment.  Sr. Personnel, Stage 1: “Linking Asian Studies and Environmental Studies at St. Olaf College” $50,000 – 2012.
  • Margaret A Cargill Foundation. Co-PI /Grant Director,  “Environmental Studies at St. Olaf College” $650,000 – 2011.
  • USDA/Minnesota Campus Compact. Sr. Personnel, “Food and Nutrition Service-learning Collaborative” $25,000 – 2010.
  • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. Co-PI, “Clean Water Partnership Resource Investigation: Rice Creek Assessment Project. A joint project with Bridgewater Township and CRWP” $110,000 – 2010.
  • National Science Foundation REU. Sr. Personnel, “From Genes to Ecosystems: Environmental Science in a Changing World,” 2010.
  • NCUR/Lancy. Co-PI,  “Re-imaging Joseph N. Nicollet’s 1838 Mapmaking Expedition through the Undine Region of Minnesota and Beyond” $40,000 – 2004.
  • W. M. Keck Foundation. Co-PI, “Green Chemistry Throughout the Curriculum” $500,000 – 2004
  • National Science Foundation MRI. PI “Acquisition of a Liquid Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer to Support Faculty-Student Research” $202,010 – 2003.
  • St. Olaf College.  PI, Faculty Development – Time Release Grant for Fall 2002.
  • Merck – AAAS. Co-PI, “Undergraduate Science Research Program, Interdisciplinary Research at St. Olaf” $60,000 – 2001.
  • Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation. PI, “Supplemental Award for New Faculty” $10,000 – 1999.

Department Committees, Duties, and Contributions

  • Chair, Environmental Studies Department 2008-2014, 2017-2019
  • Instrument acquisition, installation, maintenance and repair 1999-present
  • Tenure-Track Search Committees 2000-02, 07-08+, 16-17, 17-18+, 21-22, 23-24+  +Chair
  • Chemistry Safety Committee 2000-14+, 2017-19 +Chair
  • IT Liaison: Chemistry 2002-06, 09-11, 16-19
  • Development & Implementation team: Environmental Conversations learning community 2013-15
  • Seminar “Witnessing recovery and resilience – environmental research in Japan” 10 Mar 2017.
  • Seminar “A Cuppa, a Tinny & the Lucky Country: Scenes & Senses from Australia” 14 Sep 2012
  • Chemistry Self-study Committee (2000-2003)
  • Chemistry Mentoring Focus Group (2001-2006)
  • ACS Student Affiliate Chapter Faculty Advisor (1999-2003)
  • Chemistry Leadership Model Development Committee (2001-2002)
  • Conducted instrument maintenance and repair (1999-present)

College Committees, Duties, and Assignments

  • Environmental Sustainability Cmte 2021-present+     +Chair
    • Sustainability Task Force I & II 2003-13, 14-15.
  • Tenure & Promotion Committee 2020-21
  • Campus Solar Energy Working Group 2018-21
  • Environmental Concerns Subcommittee of Faculty Governance Committee 2008-14, 17-19
  • To Include is To Excel Advisory Group, Mellon Foundation Award 2017-21
  • Advisory Council, International & Off-campus Study 2015-17
  • Faculty Advisory Committee, Academic Civic Engagement 2015-17
  • Framework Planning Steering Committee and Sustainability Study Group Liaison 2015-16.
  • Interim Director, Collaborative Undergraduate Research and Inquiry 2015-16
  • Tenure-Track Search Committee Member Art/Art History: Ceramist 2015-16
  • Search Committee for Provost/Dean of the College (2010-11)
  • FNSM Science Facilities Design Team (2005-09)
    • FNSM Green Building Committee (2001-08)
  • Admissions, Retention and Financial Aid Committee – ARFAC (2003-05)
  • CEPC Special Studies Subcommittee (2002-03)
  • Community Task Force (Spring/Summer 2002)
  • FNSM Honor’s Day Science Symposium Organizing Committee member (1999-2003)
  • FNSM Poster Symposium Committee member (1999-2000)

Other contributions of service and leadership to the College

  • Program Adviser, Environmental Science in Australia & New Zealand (2008-14, 2015-)
  • “Living Learning Laboatories as Environmental Action Incubators” Jun 2, 2023, St. Olaf College Alumni and Parent Relations – 50th reunion college. Paul Jackson.
  • Program Adviser, CAPA Sydney Science and Technology Program at the University of Technology Sydney (2017-19, 2021-)
  • Program Adviser, CAPA Global Cities Internship Program, Sydney, Australia (2017-19, 2021-)
  • “Campus Sustainability at St. Olaf College” Apr 15, 2021, St. Olaf College Alumni and Parent Relations. Panelists: Kiara Jorgenson, Kevin Larson, Paul Jackson, Traci Quinell, Clovis Curl, Imani Mosher.†
  • CILA Workshop Facilitator, “Leveraging Small Groups and Seminars in Teaching and Learning.” July 2020
  • Mellby Lecture, “Conversations with Neighbors: Shifting the Paradigm of Chemical and Environmental Sustainability from Local to Global and Back Again.” 09 Apr 2019
  • Faculty Adviser to Environmental Coalition – student organization 2016-present
    Environmental House – student organization  2017-19
  • Program Adviser, Curtin University, Perth, Australia (2018)
  • Faculty Panelist/Presenter – Admissions events (2003-present)
  • Official Scorer, Men’s Basketball (2007-present); Shot Clock Operator 1998-2007
  • Opening Convocation “One hundred eleven years and counting” – 08 Sep 2016
  • Daily Chapel: pageant performances in 2021, 2017 and speaking in 2016, 2014, 2012, 2005.
  • First Year Orientation, Academic Expectations: the Musical – Sep 2011, 2012, 2015
  • STOTalk “Inspiration & Innovation in the Backyard” 27 Apr 2013
  • St. Olaf on the Road, 2009, 2010, 2012: “Backyard Communities: Sources of Inspiration & Innovation.” “Green Science: Philosophy, Spin, Revolution or Reality.”   “Exploring Environmental CheMysteries: How Unintended Consequences Challenge our Ideals and Actions”
  • Speaker Coordinator, “Science and the Liberal Arts” Theme Year, May 7-8, 2009; Dr. Gregory Smith, Art Conservation Scientist
  • Program Adviser, Lancaster University Junior Year Abroad, (2004-2009)
  • Crewmember, Football Yardage Markers (1998-2008)
  • Faculty Interviewer – Buntrock Scholars (2000-2005, 2007, 2009-2011, 2013-2014, 2016-17)
  • Memorial Chime Tower Construction Team, (August – September 2003)
  • Judge, International Studies Photo Contest (Spring 2002)

Contributions to the Community

  • National Science Foundation, review panels: 2021, 2022
  • Lead Precinct Election Judge, City of Northfield 2012, 2014, 2016, 2020
  • Greater Northfield Sustainability Collaborative – founding/organizing member 2013-15
  • Stormwater Ordinance Advisory Committee, City of Northfield 2010-2011
  • Choir member, I Cantanti, Northfield, MN 1998-1999, 2005-08, 2009-11
  • Cantor, St. John’s Lutheran Church, Northfield, MN 2000-2006

Academic Internship Advising

2004 – 2  “The Professional world of dentistry and orthodonics” and “Physical therapy and its role in the patient care team”
2005 – 1 “Green Building Case Studies and the MN Office of Environmental Assistance”
2009 – 1 “US EPA, Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge”
2010 – 2 “US EPA, Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge” and “Sustainability Efforts with Aramark at Denali National Park”
2011 – 5  “US EPA, Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge,” “Sustainability at La Anita Rainforest Ranch, Costa Rica,”
“Community Conversations at the Cannon River Watershed Partnership” and “Water quality with Central Lake County Joint Water Action Agency”
2013 – 1  “Coordinating Sustainability Work at La Anita Rainforest Ranch, Costa Rica”
2014 – 5  “Insights into Health Care from work at the Chippewa Valley Free Clinic,” “Exploring Renewable Energy Policy and Practice through RENEW Wisconsin,” “Forwarding Sustainability Practices at Health Partners,” “Collaborative Environmental Design in Facilities Planning at St. Olaf College” and  “Use of Social Media in Environmental Messaging for Today’s Green Minute”
2019 – 1  “Insights into Minnesota State Parks and Environmental Education”
2023 – 2 “Coral Restoration & Whale Shark Conservation Internship” (Mafia Island, Tanzania) and “Community Development/Agriculture Internship at ARI” (Tochigi, Japan)


56 Students since 1998
1998 – 2
1999 – 5
2000 – 3
2001 – 3
2002 – 1
2003 – 2
2004 – 1
2005 – 2
2006 – 1
2007 – 4
2008 – 1
2010 – 3
2011 – 1
2012 – 1
2013 – 2
2015 – 1
2016 – 9
2017 – 5
2018 – 1
2019 – 6
2020 – 2
2021 – 3
2022 – 1
2023 – 1

Last updated Jun 2023