Chapel Talk

Earlier this morning, our combined groups had the opportunity to lead a chapel service back home at Saint Olaf College. Here’s a link to the archived service if you’re interested: (our individual talks are...

The Importance of Learning Through Conversation.

One of the main lessons I have learnt from living in an international community is that the lessons that last the longest are not learnt in the classroom but gained through conversation with people who have had different experiences from yourself. During one of the...

Landscapes in Japan

When I initially arrived in Japan in early January, I was not aware of much regarding Japan and its environmental history or what being there would actually be like. With Tokyo serving as my introduction, I knew that the rest of the course would do much to show me the...

Reflecting on Fukushima Visit

Fukushima. One month ago, I used this word to refer to the partial and complete meltdown of the Fukushima Daiichi power plant resulting from the cataclysmic earthquake and tsunami on March 11, 2011. In most of my circles before coming to Japan, Fukushima represented a...