Camille Gonzalez

Camille Gonzalez is from St. Paul, Minnesota. She has majors in Anthropology and Art History and a concentration in Asian Studies. Camille’s image is Louise Bourgeois’s 1997 Spider (Cell).

“I saw Spider (Cell) during my time at St. Olaf’s 2017 art interim in New York City. Bourgeois’s piece was being shown at Moma’s exhibition “Louise Bourgeois: An Unfolding Portrait” (2017), and since then I have become interested in Bourgeois’s complex collection. I would inevitably make my project for Professor Tradowsky’s Art Methods course around her sculptures and prints. As Louise Bourgeois’s art continues to be exhibited from places like New York to Shanghai, so are her eclectic meanings of what it means to subconsciously and consciously mature as an individual.”