Project Update #2: I’m Basically a Professional Web Designer ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hello again, boys. While things with my music video are still gearing up for the final stretch of production, I wanted to show off all the new stuff I added to the website for you to enjoy! If you take your sweet time and click around, you’ll find plenty of new things that have been added, and maybe a few things that have been removed.

Firstly, I expanded pretty bigly on the Example Material section to display stuff I’ve created during my courses here at Olaf. While I’m happy with sharing my writing examples for writing and film classes, the music section is a bit limited to what I’ve created strictly within Olaf. Because of this, I’ll happily suggest again that if you want to hear more music examples, feel free to explore my professional website from the Click Me!! tab, and listen to my Soundcloud and Spotify. And is this a shameless plug for my own material? Maybe.

Secondly, I got rid of the “This Takes You To A Useless Website” tab because I thought it was a little too irrelevant to the sight. But the “There’s Nothing On this Page” tab is still there to symbolically represent the ultimate meaninglessness  of life. Also I left it there because hey why not.

Lastly, I added the “Special Thanks” section to give a shout out to all the wonderful people who have helped with my major and my senior project! There have been so many great people involved, and hopefully I didn’t forget to include anyone. Otherwise they would feel a bit hurt. That’s all for this post! Remember to eat your vegetables and vaccinate your kids!