Project Update #1!

Hello my friends, and welcome to the first senior project update post! I figured I would take advantage of the blogs to keep a nice log of where I am in terms of getting this video out of the oven. SO! Let’s see what’s up!

First, in terms of the video itself, a solid 50% of the video has been shot. Phil, our lovely director, best advised to do outdoor shots before November because shooting in November or later outdoors would be, quote, “a fucking nightmare.” And after one long night of shooting in Minneapolis and St. Paul, I’m happy to say we got all the good shots we needed! Now we’re waiting until mid-December to shoot the remainder of the video, which is thankfully all indoors.

Along the lines of music, i.e. the song itself, an unmastered track of backing music and vocals has been mixed and will soon be sent off to Jake Bruce, our wonderful audio guy, to be mastered. Once this is done, Phil can begin editing our footage and getting things lined up with the song and get closer to creating one big cohesive video. Exciting!

That’s all for this post. Stay groovy, you funky lesbians.