Week 2

Week 2. I–and most everyone else–am physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausted. However, I feel I have thrown myself fully into this experience, and have learned a lot by doing so. I have learned that archaeology is teamwork– working together physically to dig,...

Figuring Things Out™

These past two weeks working at Antiochia have taught me a lot about my engagement with archaeology as a whole. Coming into this with really only a course on theory under my belt, I was not sure what to expect when  it came to how I would apply that knowledge...

Week Two, by Brendan Darby

My curiosity towards the structure expanded last week because our group and other’s work has led to more definition of the structure. During the first week, I was more focused on the labor required in making the structure’s physically transparent, so I only had basic...

Week One, by Brendan Darby

Archaeology has been physically demanding, as I had expected, however there has been more preparation into excavations as I had previously thought. Reflecting on the site’s initial condition, there have been many rocks and dirt moved that has added more definition to...

Blog Post Week 2

After two weeks of archaeology I have discovered that this is something I really enjoy doing. Theres something about working really hard and having something to show for it that really satisfies me. I love watching pottery bags fill up with all the ceramics We find, I...