With only 24 hours until I head to the airport, I’ve been thinking a lot about all the things I want to see and experience. One of those things is the covered court, with the natatio and mosaics. I’m looking forward to it because I appreciate the undertaking it took to uncover a place of that size, as well as its meaning as a social center of the city. I’m also interested in the engineering of the pool and baths. Of course, I would also like to see mosaics and the detail that images can’t capture (as well as the color). I think amid lasting trends of minimalism I grew up with (especially in public spaces) I appreciate the commitment to meticulous ornamentation. On the whole I’m looking forward to getting an actual understanding of the site’s scale and the relationships between different structures in the landscape. Once getting to Gazipaşa, I’m hoping to do a bit of shopping to buy some essentials. Not very glamorous, but I will need a towel.