Final Blog Post: Teşekkürler Türkiye

Now that I have spent a month of my life not only outside of Minnesota, not only outside of America, but in somewhere so radically different as Turkey, I have a lot to say about what I have taken away from this experience and what others could expect from this in the...

Week 3 Blog Post: Finishing Strong

I feel that there are many ways this trip has helped me as an academic, worker and just as a person in general. This trip has demonstrated my and all of my peers’ work ethic, flexibility, creativity, endurance in the face of struggle and good character. We have...

Week 2 Blog Post:

This experience in Türkiye has given me a lot of new insights into myself and my experiences with others. On an academic standpoint I am incredibly proud of my work in my dig unit recently. My work has largely focused on a foundation trench next to an interior wall....

Pre-Dig Thoughts

After completing the readings to prepare for this trip, I was shocked at the amount of major historical figures that have had an impact on this region. Some of the figures that most promptly come to mind are the Roman emperors Caligula and Claudius who manipulated the...