A Sick Experience

Patience is a learned skill; it is a virtue that archaeology requires and not all possess. This trip has taught me how critical it is to be patient and proceed my digging with a certain finesse and rhythm. It is important to work cautiously, not only for my own...

Week 3

During my time in Turkey, one skill that I developed was how to resolve disagreements with coworkers. For instance, one day my unit felt that we were doing more wheelbarrows than other units were. We first asked individuals if they would take wheelbarrows down. They...

Antiochia ad Cragum

My second year in college, I was given the opportunity to travel to Turkey with my school to participate in an archaeological research internship. I spent 4 weeks in Gazipasa, Turkey working on the site of Antiochia ad Cragum. I learned about the history and the...

The job interview, by Roger Quant

I’m glad you asked about it. My archeological work in Turkey was spent at Antiochia ad Cragum, a prominent Roman ruin site located near Gazipasa, Antalya. Over the course of a month we worked to excavate certain locations of the site, with students periodically...

Please Try the Ayran at the Festival by Olive Karnowski

Besides the sometimes stressful environment at the dig-site resulting from tired students, I have had another lovely week immersing myself in archeological work and the hospitality of Antiochia. Taking some time to reflect on what I knew about archeology before coming...

Week 2 Blog Post

After fashionably arriving one week late, I have learned a lot after my first week here in Turkey. Regarding archaeology, I first and foremost learned that I missed the most enjoyable part of preparing for excavation—clearing rocks, weeds, roots, and whatever else the...