Blog Post 1: Setting Forth – Cami Stokes

My anticipation builds as the commencement of ACARP 2023 creeps near. But before I step aboard my flight, I present some preliminary thoughts regarding the site, written in response to “Antiochia Ad Cragum in Western Rough Cilicia” (Hoff et al. 2015).  In...

Week 4, by Erika Micke

During my three weeks in Turkey, I have learned many things. Academically, I have learned the basic technical skills that one needs to become an archaeologist. I also learned some of the history of Antiochia ad Cragum. Beyond academics, I have learned that rocks at...

Week 4: Final thoughts

From what I experienced in Turkey over this past month, archaeology revolves pretty heavily around adaptation. In terms of the physical site, the structure we were excavating had gone through many stages in its long life. We think it started out as a house, burned...

The Last Post, by Esmé Brown

Sadly, this is the last blog post that I will be writing as our time at the site has ended. I had the most amazing summer and already miss it terribly. I loved having a routine, finding things every day, talking to new friends and spending time with people that I...

The Schist Show – Brendan

Residing in Turkey for four weeks and participating in an archaeological dig has given me countless opportunities to learn something new about myself, others, and archaeology. When I applied for this academic internship, I had zero background knowledge in Archaeology...

Well-Learned Advice

There are so many things I’ve learned on this trip like why it’s important to not wall-chase or why one shouldn’t go into archeology as an art historian. Jokes aside, there are many small things about the process of archeology that I feel accumulate to producing...

Bounty of Opportunities

In a workplace setting where multiple personalities and ideologies are bound to exist, learning to cohabitate and accomplish the group goal is an essential skill that every employer would love to hear an experience about. I would say the ability to set aside personal...

Blog Post

After spending one month working at an archaeological dig site, I can confidently say that I learned a lot about archaeology. One of the most surprising things I learned was that we don’t keep everything, even though we might want to. This was a lesson we...

All About Trust, by Erica Micke

Living and working in Turkey for four weeks was an incredible experience where I learned to trust others and trust myself. I have always been a person who has to feel in control and know what is happening, but this month in Turkey forced me to relinquish most of that...