
Rationale for the Major

            As a liberal Arts College, St. Olaf offers a plethora of majors for aspiring philosophy majors, economics, political science, and English, as well as concentrations in Management Studies. I see an opportunity to integrate aspects of all these fields into one coherent major. Ethics, Business, and Economics in the Practice of Law is an integration of all the listed subjects, taking specific classes from each and combining them to form a new experience rich in diversity of subjects. By combining the listed courses, Ethics, Business, and Economics in the Practice of Law is a compilation of in-depth classes that would not be possible to take if I chose to major in one of these fields.

As a school, St. Olaf strives to provide students with an excellent education, focusing on the liberal arts and the opportunity to take classes in the sciences, history, English, math, and so many others. The individual major I am proposing also aims to provide me with a diverse background in an array of subjects that will prepare me for a meaningful future career as well as developing a wider perspective expanding beyond just this campus, but into the working world, which expands far beyond the borders of Minnesota, the Midwest, and the United States, to touch every corner of the world. The skills I will acquire in this major will prepare me to experience life with a global perspective.

In society today, a broad spectrum of knowledge and experience is valued in the workplace. Future employers look for diversity in a range of coursework, which demonstrates a willingness to learn and dedication to alternate prospective. Instead of simply approaching a problem with a background in one subject, I will be able to draw on all my class experiences, bringing in perspectives from not only philosophy, but also management studies, Economics, English, and Political Science. Ethics, Business, and Economics in the Practice of Law is not a tweaked version of a Philosophy, Political Science, or Management Studies disciplines, but an integration of the three into something new.

I chose to design this individual major because after St. Olaf, I intend to go to law School. Based on current research and reports, the students best prepared for Law School are the ones who went above and beyond in their undergrad studies; They majored in something that interests them as well as subjects that encourages and requires deep thought and research. Philosophy, Economics, and Political Science all fall under the categories of common, as well as some of the most useful, majors in law school. However, admission to the top law schools is increasingly competitive, and for the best chance of admittance, the applicant, I, must stand out in some way. By demonstrating I had the interest, the drive, and the commitment to not study only one of the most helpful disciplines in law school, but to combine all three into a new major and go through the process to get it approved by the college, I demonstrate my desire to learn, fierce work ethic, and determination to succeed.

My other motivation to pursue an individual major comes from my intense interest in all  the individual subjects. I’m incredibly interested in philosophy, and specifically ethics, as well as legal aspects of political science and the management aspect of business. My father attended St. Olaf and majored in chemistry, and my mother majored in Biology. My older sister chose the path of engineering. So far, every member of my family has decided to follow the STEM fields. I want to take my interest in ethics, business and law to establish my own niche, my own path apart from the one so readily established by my family.

I’ve also had the opportunity to see the role of ethics in practice because of my complicated health history and extended time in the hospital. I’ve been the person listening in to discussions by doctors, professionals, and hospital staff, hearing how ethics play a role in care versus how they affect the hospital as an institution and a business. I want to expand my knowledge in this field, and learn the impact ethics have on every type of institutions.

As much as I wish I could, it is not possible to triple major, as well as having a concentration in Management studies while still including the other classes I believe will be invaluable in law school. By combining all the classes that both interest me the most as well as provide the best groundwork for law school, I’m able to combine these classes into a major that will prompt discussion in law School applications, as well as allowing me to major in the subjects that most interest me.

Find my Full Proposal Here!