Goodbye, Gazipasa

One of the most important lessons I learned here was how to apply conceptual knowledge to our real world finding in the field. At our professor’s request, my team and I all collaborated with each other to form our own ideas, theories, and speculations about our...

The Experience of a Lifetime, by Elyssa Post

Coming to Turkey has been an experience of a lifetime. If you had asked me five months ago that I would be fulfilling my childhood dream of excavating an ancient city, I would have laughed in your face. There was a point where I did not believe I would be able to go,...

Final Thoughts

During this trip I focused on learning many archeological techniques. I also tried hard to learn as much of the history of the place we are uncovering as I could, constantly asking different professors about their finds and what they meant, as well as pondering about...

Experiences Had and Skillz Learned

After spending about a month in the hot, humid Mediterranean weather, this experience has come to an end. I really enjoyed it and learned so much. A lot of the things I learned were small bits of information and details that really help to see bigger pictures of what...

A Good Month To Have a Month

Being an archaeological intern in Turkey is now a milestone in my life. While it lasted only a month, the skills I obtained in excavation methods, data collection and interpretation, as well as photogrammetry are enough to launch a career in archaeology, something I...

Wrapping Up the Season

I have learned quite a bit over these past four weeks, and not just about one thing. I feel like I’ve had the opportunity to grow in so may capacities, whether that’s as an archaeologist, or just as a young person exploring the world by myself for the first time. I...

Week 4 blog post: the finale by Roger Quant

Of the things I’ve learned here, the one of utmost importance is to never trust a Burger King until at least one person has gone there and not suffered the consequences. On a more serious note I’ve learned more about Turkish culture and archeology as a whole, now...

What Lies Below, by Kyle Colby

I’ve learned here that it is important to communicate with others and have patience. Communication allows for growth and understanding, especially when teamwork is critical. Patience is self-explanitory: if you allow others time to grow or talk, it produces a...

Week 4

One thing I learned while in Turkey was the importance of leaving rocks where they are until they are ready to come out on their own. When we first started excavating our unit, my group was careful to leave the rocks in, which allowed us to document the wall fall and...

week 3: teamwork makes the dream work baby

 To say this internship was outside of my comfort zone would be the understatement of the century. It was my first time out of the country alone– my second time at all. It was a month spent doing some of the most consistently difficult work I have ever had the...