I LOVE picking up big rocks on the site, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I can’t say that I’m surprised about that, but it’s nice to know that I could find my calling in Turkey. Oh yeah, the other parts of archaeology are fun too though. I learned that it can be quite difficult to keep track of the artifacts being found as we go through the daily dig, as they can appear in unexpected places and keep you on your toes when trying to quickly level out an area.
There aren’t a ton of similarities to my home in Iowa here in Turkey, but the work we do sometimes feels like the work me and my dad do at our fishing cabin up in Canada. The people in shops and restaurants are always so friendly to us, even when we have to communicate with basic phrases and hand signals, which is a pleasant experience. Seeing the overwhelming number of Turkish flags and Ataturk banners around can be quite heartwarming, if a little strange. It’s nice that the people here, even through this time of economic hardship, can still express their love for this great country. I’m greatly enjoying my time here, the work we do, and could definitely see myself returning in the future.