Photo was taken by Dan Murphy.
I began studying politics, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and music while attending the University of Wisconsin – River Falls. It was at this school that I discovered I had an interest in studying how government influences the progression of society. I worked for two years on the UW-River Falls Student Senate as both and advocate for student rights and a representative for student interests while working with faculty and university committees. In 2008 and 2009, I participated in the Mock United Nations competition and was accepted in the Gamma Theta Upsilon International Geography Honors Society.
I have worked with GIS since 2006 and have a wide range of experience with software and map design techniques. I have always enjoyed the artistic and technical aspects of GIS and map design. While studying at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota, I had the opportunity to pursue new facets of GIS and expand my knowledge. By selecting an emphasis in homeland security, I had the chance to explore GIS as a tool to help people in everyday, real-world situations. Learning the history and the background of homeland security also appeals to the part of me that enjoys expanding my knowledge of local and international politics.
In October 2014, I graduated with a Masters of Science in Geographic Information Science from Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota.
Outside of school and work I enjoy reading, sketching, playing the violin, and video games. I have participated both in a pit orchestra for local community theater and played in a local Minnesota folk/Irish band – Double Dollars. I enjoy organizing and planning activities with friends and solo-explorations of Minnesota.
This site represents accomplishments and activities that I have participated in education, employment, and in my own pursuits.

Album cover created by Dan Murphy.