Research Blogs

Advice for Future Researchers

Pay it Forward: Compile a list of advice for someone doing a project like this one in the future.   read and re-read the text. Since the project is text based, it is invaluable to know even the more subtle aspects of what you’re reading.   start early in the...

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Putnam- Advice for Future Project

1.) Spend a lot of time with the text. Since you'll want your projects to relate to the text in a fairly direct manner, it will help to read the text closely and carefully. Annotate heavily, and mark key passages. If you decide to use a different edition of the text...

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Temme- Updated Skills List

For Blog #7, you made a list of experience and skills you want to be able to list on your resume as a result of this CURI project. Make any revisions to this list, then describe your progress toward these goals. Here's what I said in blog #7: Some skills I would like...

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Temme- Skills to Develop

Some skills I would like to be able to list on my resume as a result of this CURI project: further developing skills in digital humanities teamwork time management leadership/ taking initiative professional communication archival research skills (how to use different...

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Temme- Digital Presentation Forms

There are many possible digital routes our project could take, and I believe that we could make the best out of any of them. The styles I am most interested in right now are maps, timelines and videos, but I don’t intend to isolate one of them. I think it would be...

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Putnam- Research and Presentation Structure

Today we began to create a feasible structure for our research and a plan for presenting that research. Given that the community reading groups span three weeks, we think that we should divide the book into three sections, focusing on a different section each week. We...

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Temme- Possible Areas of Focus

If we are focusing on the topic of empire as our broad umbrella topic, I would be interested in exploring either empire and patriarchal gender roles or empire’s influence on determining the value of an individual, or a person’s social status. Gender is obviously a...

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Putnam- Thoughts on Research

While we want our project to be accessible to a general audience of new readers, we also want to produce original scholarship that utilizes primary sources in order to contribute to the scholarly conversation on Jane Austen. One way of accomplishing these tasks...

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Temme- Primary Documents and Research Questions

Based on the conversations we have had and our preliminary investigation into the databases available, I am most interested in the Orlando and Reading Experience Databases. We can use these to see how Austen’s writing was received during different time periods, and...

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Putnam- Ideas for Primary Research

At this point, I am most interested in looking through the historical newspapers. I think these primary sources will provide us with invaluable sociopolitical context. Due to the fact that I may want to focus my project on the connections between gender and the...

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Putnam- Our Project

At a basic level, our project aims to complicate the popular understanding of Jane Austen. By researching and providing a general audience with historical and political context on Northanger Abbey, we hope to display Jane Austen as an author who grapples with the...

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Temme- Our Project

  Our Project  Use digital tools and access to primary resources/ archives to ask questions about the themes of and explore the context of Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey Present what we have discovered effectively, accessibly, creatively and engagingly to...

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