At a basic level, our project aims to complicate the popular understanding of Jane Austen. By researching and providing a general audience with historical and political context on Northanger Abbey, we hope to display Jane Austen as an author who grapples with the issues of her particular time. As this project is also a digital humanities project, we plan to dedicate time to considering various mediums through which to convey our research. I suspect I will play a large role in the research portion of the project over the next few weeks. Given my background in interdisciplinary, historical research, and my interest in exploring archives, I think I am well equipped to help us engage with resources. 

My main goal for the summer is to dedicate myself to time management. I normally tend to shy away from structured schedules, but I think pushing myself to complete my work in a timely manner will be extremely beneficial for my academic growth. Therefore I plan to work from 8am to 5pm every weekday. I hope to apply the management skills I learn over the summer to my work in a graduate program after I graduate from St. Olaf.