
In general, St. Olaf and Northfield are very safe. However, St. Olaf does have some extra resources to ensure students are always supported and safe both on, and off campus!   On Campus:   Public Safety Public Safety provides 24-hr security for the St. Olaf...

Alcohol and Drugs

Being in college is an amazing experience and we as ISCs are here to assist, advise, and guide you so you make the most of your experience as an Ole. In college, you have all the freedom, but I should add that freedom comes with responsibilities. In as much as you are...


“Can you believe all the snow we got last night?!” “Beautiful day out there isn’t it?” “Well you know it’s not the heat that bothers me, it’s that darn humidity!” You will probably hear a lot of comments like these at St. Olaf, because Minnesotans love to talk...

Food Options On-Campus

St. Olaf campus has three places that are available for you to find meals. Stav Hall: cafeteria-style dining hall which you can eat in or grab a take out box with a meal swipe of your Ole Card (campus ID). It is commonly known as the caf, and located on the top floor...


A huge part of college is rooming with a total stranger! Are you scared? Excited? Anxious? It’s totally fine if you’re overwhelmed with emotions when it comes to your living situation in college.  Before coming to campus, in the early days of July, you will likely...