Supporting Courses

Principles of Accounting 

I will need to know simple accounting skills because that is a part of the administrative side of healthcare. This class will give me an understanding of the income statement, statement of retained earnings, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows. How business events are recorded and represented on the financial statements and how to use the information to make sound economic judgments.

Introduction to Sociology 

Answering questions about the basis of human nature such as “What is human nature?” or “Do societies have a culture?” and others help to create a foundational examination of peoples. Additionally, I learned research methods related to sociological research, which can help ensure a good work environment, work dynamics, patient-doctor care, etc. Being able to recognize and assess the unspoken questions of society is a useful skill in all disciplines. 

Developmental Psychology

In this course, we attempted to understand human development from the moment of conception and across the life span. The course focuses on biological and environmental factors that shape human development. This information is pertinent because it helps one to understand the health problems that may arise over a lifespan, as well as the ability to deal with problem. Additionally, it is relevant to have a deeper understanding of humans while working with them in any capacity, healthcare included.