Skills Learned From Archeology

I worked for a month in Turkey on the site of Antiochia ad Cragum. This is a site of great importance, as it was the regional capital, and because it is one of the few Roman sites to be excavated on the south coast of Turkey. This combination was perfect for learning...

The Impact of Antiochia

Yes! I was able to go to Turkey for a month during my last summer of college to work at a field school at the site Antiochia ad Cragum. That was my first experience with hands-on archaeology, and it was a fantastic learning experience. Besides learning all of the ins...

Turkish Hospitality, by Brendan Darby

My experience participating in archaeology and residing in Turkey has introduced to me new personal values as well as a new strategic approach of thinking. In the past week, I have been astonished by the level of hospitality that I have received. From a family...


If I were to summarize my time in Turkey to a potential employer, I would emphasize that this experience has taught me resilience. In addition, it has allowed me to grow my archaeology knowledge, team-work skills, and critical thinking skills.  Through this...