Orpheus would be jelly

What is surprising and unexpected to me is just how hot it is in turkey, and how much archeological things we have found in the ground. The things we found were interesting and cool. Speaking of cool, it is very very hot here, way different than Northfield Minnesota,...

Blog Post 2: Digging In – Cami Stokes

Kaylyn Scourbys and I arrived in Gazipaşa on July 13th––we went to work the next day. As I suspected, the Mediterranean is beautiful. The view from the Acropolis is spectacular. One can observe the beaches below and marvel at the cyan and cerulean waters. Behind me,...

Excitement, Anticipation, Eagerness even

The thing I’m most looking forward to at the site is probably the mosaics. I don’t have an enormous amount of experience or knowledge around archaeological stuff in general but I definitely know that I like looking at pretty art so I would think that falls...

Pre-Dig Blog Post – Annabel

The part of Antiochia ad Cragum that I’m most excited to see is the totally basic, everyday parts of the town. My favorite part of the whole reading list by far was finding out that archaeologists found 150+ coins and some random woman’s lost earring at...

My first blog post

The Northeast temple particularly caught my mind in the readings. The mystery of not knowing exactly what God the temple belonged to caught my intention as well as the architecture of the temple, and Roman temples as a whole. I had to google, but enjoyed learning all...

First Research Blog Post– Julia Steidl

After completing the readings, I am really looking forward to seeing mosaics on site. I am interested in seeing if there is evidence that in Antiochia ad Cragum mosaics faced the same fate as in other locations when they fell out of fashion and were covered over by...