Week 1 Log

When I arrived in Turkey I didn’t really know what to expect. I didn’t really know what was doing and it added to the already present anxiety of traveling overseas alone for the first time. My main priority when I landed was to just keep myself awake until...

New Opportunities

One of the first things I did when arriving to Turkey is buy the chai teacups. These cute hourglass shaped glasses are used everywhere to serve chai tea at every breakfast, lunch, snack, and dinner. At any point in time this tea is ready to be served. The tea is one...

Gazipasa Turkiye is similar and different to my hometown in New York. A shock to me was the presence of a Burger King nextdoor to a Mosque; an image I never expected to view here. Fine dining and a variety of stores scatter the city landscape. However, the small...

(beautiful) Garden Work

We’ve begun! Sort of. We got down and dirty mainly doing your average garden/landscaping work. We’ve been clearing away a lot of rocks and roots; going at the rocks with the big horn axes and exposing the really big tough roots so they can be easily pulled...

Week 1

After finishing my first full week here in Turkey, I have seen and done many things I could not have done at home. One thing I saw that surprised me was how close people live to ancient historical sites. On our first weekly field trip, we visited the ruins of the city...

Week 1 Blog Post

So far, my time in turkey has been a great experience, being able to meet new people and enjoy being in turkey and working there. Right away I was surprised by how receptive most of the places and stores in Gazapasa are, along with the people in the town. A major and...

Unexpectedness after weeks of planning

Having read all of the reading for the excavation, I was expecting to find myself doing a lot of minute work with the trowel, and though that is sure to come, the first week has proven to be the complete opposite. We have been hauling rocks, tearing down a wall,...

Rocks & Roots

The first week here in Turkey has been a pretty chaotic one to say the least. I myself had a bit of a rough start after my bag was delayed in Istanbul for a day, leaving me with very few possessions for the first day in Gazipasa (I cannot figure out how to type and s...

Working in Turkey this summer was an amazing experience. I learned a lot, both academically and socially. Regarding archaeology itself, I learned how to be very careful, keeping an eye out for any little thing which could be something. It’s very easy to miss...

Trowel and Error

During this internship I have managed to learn a few key things. First is the importance of challenging your own assumptions. This was a lesson that I learned constantly in my month on site. The most notable example of getting carried away with assumptions was the...