April 6-10

Monday, April 6

No Seminars:

Tuesday, April 7

Psychology Seminar: Career Talk
Dr. St. Louis: Neurologist
6:00 p.m., Buntrock 144

Wednesday, April 8

Seminar: The “Perfect Problem”: Climate Change through an Educator’s Lens,
Craig Johnson, White House Champion of Change for Climate Education and Literacy

Craig Johnson engages students at Apple Valley’s School of Environmental Studies in authentic, interdisciplinary, and experiential learning relevant to climate change, ranging from field studies in Alaska to observing the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.   He will talk about the synergies between his educational practice and the problem of climate change.  Refreshments will be served.
7:00  pm in RNS 210

Thursday, April 9

No Seminars:

Friday, April 10

No Seminars: