Zine Archive
Tongues Ties:
2024 Amplify Zine
Started in 2020, the Quarry’s Amplify Zine is a series highlighting underrepresented student voices on campus. This year’s Amplify Zine, Tongue Ties, celebrates the work of multilingual artists.
Amplify Zine:
Trans* Artists
Every fall, The Quarry Literary and Fine Arts Magazine
publishes an Amplify Zine to make space for underrepresented artists. This year’s Trans* Zine features artwork by creatives who identify under the trans umbrella, which includes transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, and other trans-identifying individuals.
Amplify Zine:
Echoes of Home
A zine showcasing the art of international and first-gen students at St. Olaf
Amplify Zine:
Volume 1
The first volume in a new series of zines amplifying underrepresented voices, this zine features the creative work of BIPOC students at St. Olaf. Out of this colorful zine unfurls themes of language, body, belonging, and more.
MisFit Zine
The more *out there* the better, right? We asked the St. Olaf student body to send us creative work of all sorts that’s weird, funny, dumb, unusual, and generally unsuitable for publication.
Needless to say, they went above and beyond our wildest expectations. We published the zine (a very small, very charming sort of magazine) in color and suddenly found ourselves lost in the eyes of the birds with lips.
Enviro Zine
November 2019
In the aftermath of the Climate Strike, we collected an assortment of creative work by St. Olaf students. The result: a zine that responds to climate change, environmental injustices, ecological disasters, the beauty and ugliness and mystery of the natural world, the strange mushrooms you noticed this morning outside your dorm, etc.