St. Olaf EMT’s

Our Mission

St. Olaf Emergency Medical Technician organization (SOEMT) provides the St. Olaf Community with voluntary emergency medical response services. Its sole purpose is to provide the highest quality emergency medical care to the St. Olaf College community regardless of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability. This service has not been established to take the place of or compete with St. Olaf Health Services, Public Safety, the Northfield Volunteer Fire/Rescue Department, or the medical employees of the Northfield Hospital Ambulance, but rather to work in conjunction and full cooperation with all of the aforementioned entities. SOEMTs are an integral part of the campus health team, and provide regular response to all types of medical emergencies at all campus locations to connect patients with further resources, if appropriate or necessary.

SOEMTs are available to respond to any medical emergency on campus 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during the academic year. To contact us, please call (507) 786-3666