Rationale and Story of the Creation of the Major


Throughout high school, I excelled and was interested in a few different subjects but I never could see myself pursuing a career in those fields.  I have always had a love for sports and I decided that the best career for me would be somewhere in the world of sports.  After learning about the Piper Center and the Center for Integrated Studies at St. Olaf, I hoped to be able to find a major or program that would give me the opportunity to pursue a study in something that I am extremely passionate about.  Following a meeting with the Piper Center during my first-year on the hill and hearing about how Emily Carr had put together an individual major with a very similar topic, this felt like it would be the best option for my future.  Additionally, I met with Ryan Bowles during my first semester, where he suggested the idea of doing an individual major because you can really dive deep into your passions.  


An important aspect of the major is the Athletics aspect.  Doing an Individual Major allows me to incorporate the coaching and leadership aspect into the major. With my many years of experience in sports, it adds a great amount of experience and knowledge to the major.  I am currently on the football team here at St. Olaf.  This experience, so far, has taught me a lot about college athletics.  It has shown me how important communication and leadership are in the realm of sports.  Teamwork is another immense aspect of athletics, which is another very prevalent component in college athletics.  


Adding to the athletics aspect of the major, I chose to do an independent study, Intro to Leadership and Coaching, because it is crucial for the major to have experience in the field you want to work in.  This course allowed me to get an inside look at coaching and gain an understanding of how they think and work.  This knowledge will be beneficial in the environment I want to pursue after my time at St. Olaf.  I have a strong connection with this class because of my past in athletics and coaching.  Learning about coaching in an educational setting will set me up to be more successful in an administration job, as well as, a coaching job in the future.  Being enrolled in this class while coaching basketball at the High School in Northfield gave me a more well developed understanding.  I was able to see and experience more of the administrative side of sports, along with actually performing in the field.  From creating and executing practice plans to being in charge of a team on the bus, it has all given me experience of leadership and working with others to accomplish a common goal.  All aspects of coaching have a parallel in the world of administration.  


Within the Athletic Administration and Management Major, the management component is fundamental.  The management portion of the studies is dedicated to understanding how to take responsibility and leadership.  Along with that, learning how to effectively work with others to pursue and achieve a common goal.  Management also provides a foundation for organizational skills, efficiency in communication and administrative tasks, as well as, structural functioning of groups of people.  Both of the coaching positions that I have and will do, will give me an abundance of experience with the management aspect.  This summer I will be coaching baseball and this position will bring even more administrative and management experience.  I will be scheduling the games and practices, which will give me experience in organization, along with all of the other attributes. 


Communication is a vital part in the world of Athletic Administration and Management.  With the extensive knowledge in psychology, one will have a great understanding of why people act and communicate the way they do.  The section of the major dedicated to psychology courses is important in this field because I will gain knowledge about human thought processes and functions.  The expertise in this field will give me the necessary skills to communicate effectively with athletes and administrators, along with other faculty members. My experiences with coaching and football reflect a great deal of communication.  Working with teammates, other coaches and even administrators has really impacted the way I communicate. 


In my four years at St. Olaf, my goal is to graduate with a major in Athletic Administration and Management.  With the help of the Center for Integrative Studies, I have the ability to pursue a lifelong passion of working in Athletics.  This major will highlight aspects of communication, management, and athletics to form a well rounded curriculum to prepare me for post-graduation.  The Liberal Arts aspect of St. Olaf creates an environment that is supportive and positive, allowing me to pursue these passions.  This is a perfect Liberal Arts major because it allows me to use my creativity in the classroom to connect the work from the classroom to a larger framework in the real world.