There’s Some Lovely Filth Down Here

I don’t feel like a lot has changed from the previous weeks in terms of the literal work, but I’m definitely getting into the groove of things. In the first week I always checked my watch, and these days I feel like the time flies by. Learning there are only about 8...

This past week my perspectives on many things have evolved: I now have a better understanding of myself socially, and my interests within archeology. One thing about this trip my supervisor told me is you are always going to be a little bit exhausted: I have found...

Antiochia Alive

My time here so far has begun to show me the full extent of what my body can do, both in the sense that I am now very aware of the limits created by my lack of physical exercise before this, but also in that I can see what my body can possibly do when I push myself....

Whoever Said Archeology Is Easy Is Wrong

Coming into this I knew there was going to be some sort of physical labor aspect of it, however, I did not realize it would be to the extent that it is. I would say in terms of physical labor, I kind of came in more blindly. In the past, I had worked on my...


I feel heat pulsate throughout every aspect of my being as I write this post. I never knew it was possible for a land to be so warm, but it seems that I should be more imaginative.My thoughts on archeology have changed significantly since I came here. I think I now...