Week 3: It’s Still Really Hot

To say that my time in Turkey has been a learning experience would be an understatement. There has been a constant influx of knowledge since my arrival, both academic and personal in nature. My academic growth is fairly easy to pin down. I came into this with very...

Archaeology and Me

After two weeks of working, I have learned the deep intricacies of Archaeology, which extend beyond the limits of the ground in which we dig. Coming into this, I knew very little past the science of it, and the practice of doing it. Dig artifacts up from the earth,...

Physical Limits and Growth.

My physical limits have definitely expanded from where they were a week ago, I have noticed myself not needing as much water and generally feeling much more adjusted to the heat. Working in Turkey has definitely been hard, but it’s been a great experience to...

Week Two: The Battle Against Taş

This second week in Turkey on this site has really made me feel like I can do this work and not just barely scrape by day after day after day.  I’ve really been trying to push my limits physically and to soak up all of the information that my peers and superiors are...

It is boiling in Turkey

I often have little more to say about myself and more about the dig site (Acropolis) and archeology, but as required, I’ll talk about myself and the conditions I faced during my first week at the dig site. First and foremost, it is boiling in Turkey. It is so hot that...