
Since I write this with only a final few days left in Turkey, it seems like the appropriate time to reflect on all the things one should after a life-changing experience. While there’s much to be pensive about, perhaps that which is most important to me is reflecting...

A day in the diggy-hole

At five in the morning, every morning, a delightful cacophony of everyone’s phones alarms fills the air of the apartment. Reluctantly, bodies shamble upwards about 20 minutes after the phones are silenced. Quickly picking outfits for the day they rush towards the door...

The Life of An Archaeology Intern

I have some reservations about trying to describe an average day for the excavation. One of the biggest reasons why is that nothing about being here is average for me. Life here is clearly different from life back in the United States and with our short amount of time...

When you realize that days are not 24 hours long

What is average? The average day is 24 hours. The average meal is protein, carbs, veggies, fruits, and a little bit of oil. The average amount of dirt you move each day is little to none. If you wanted a blog post where all of this is true, then you have yourself in...

Oh Schist.

5:10 AM … I wake up at the Dig House to the sound of roosters and phone alarms. I roll out of bed. 5:30 AM … After I fill my water bottle at the cooler, I board the bus. We stop at Total gas station for snacks. I sleep on the way to the site. 6:00 AM … We eat...

Even if it does mean I have to get up at 5 am…

  Here in Turkey our day begins before the sun comes up. Every morning, at 5 am, I wake up to the increasingly annoying sounds of the alarm. I am not a morning person. 5 am is my enemy. I am not very functional at 5 in the morning and every day I groan and...