Blog Post #1

I think it would be cool to see the Great Bath because I would like to see the mosaic, despite it not being very well preserved. It blows my mind that so much of a structure can survive for so long. One thing I would like to do in Gazipasa before the dig starts is...

Pre-Dig Ruminations

One place at the dig site I am really excited to see is the Great Bath complex.  I would love to see what remains of the mosaic floors, especially in the apse, since Hoff mentions that it was particularly preserved when it was uncovered in excavations.  I think that...

Writing the night before

I am writing this the night before our departure, hoping that I have not forgotten some crucial element of the visa application that will make it impossible for me to participate in the internship. I am reading a little more about the research performed on the site up...

First Blog Post

After all my reading about Antiochia I want to see everything, but I would say I most want to see the residential complex mentioned by Hoff. et al. I choose this because part of what drew me to archaeology was getting to learn about how people lived, and I think that...

Week 0: Pre-Dig Blog Post

It’s difficult to pick just one thing that I want to see on-site, as I really want to see all of it. That being said, I think the thing that intrigued me the most in the readings was the explanation surrounding the honorific inscriptions that decorate some of...

Hagerty pre-dig post

Two places that really caught my attention in the readings are the colonnades and the great bath. At the time of Hoff’s writing, he mentioned that the colonnades were being restored, and seeing a free-standing column would be really cool (though I’m not...