A New Adventure Begins!

As the first week of work at Antiochia ad Cragum has come to a close, I want to take a moment and fill you in on what we have been doing so far. This is my second season at Antiochia, and I am so excited to be back as a Peer Educator and get to share my experience...

Look Around You

Look around you. This is what our instructors have been telling us from day once, not because we might be impaled by poisoned arrows from an Indiana Jones-esque booby trap, but because we must understand and experience the land in which our cultural ancestors have...

Every Plant Wants to Hurt You

Week one has certainly been an adventure.  I have gotten pricked and scratched by what seems like every plant on the hill.  I have been working in the two trenches that have been created by the temple.  Before we could do anything with the them, they first needed to...

Don’t call it dirt.

It’s called soil. This week was one of those rather surreal experiences that one has every once and a while- incidentally, said experiences usually coincide with when one chooses to leave the country and go dig in the soil (nor dirt) in the Mediterranean. Days...

First week at Antiochia ad Cragum

The first week of excavation at Antiochia ad Cragum has officially begun!  The majority of the Oles, including my two trenches, are based at the very top of the Acropolis.  The Acropolis itself has been surveyed, but never excavated, so we are the first group to ever...

Week 1

I’m not going to lie, the first few days in Gazipasa were a struggle; not a struggle in which one must cope with homesickness or culture shock, but rather a physical struggle; a product of bad luck.  Details are of little importance, but the ailment not only...

We like food

During our short time here in Turkey we have been exposed to some incredible food during our meals at both the dig house and the site and in the town of Gazipasha itself. Every morning we are aroused from our exhaustive zombie-like state of mind and upon arriving at...

First Week

The week began with a short tour of the site, focusing primarily on the Temple and the bath complex. We then moved to the Upper Acropolis where many of the students would be working. At first glance, the site contained several standing walls, composed of mortar,...

Week One

Work begins after an orientation of the site, in which knowledge appears to be both very extensive in some aspects and very little in others. This is not terribly surprising, as the activities of a civilization vary greatly in the amount of leftovers that can stand...

Can you dig it?

I am thrilled to be returning to Antiochia ad Cragum as a peer educator this year and share my experiences with all of you! Now that the first week has come and gone I thought I would tell you a little bit about what we have been up to at the site and how we are...