The Root, The Stone, And The Shovel

Now I’d like to take the time to fully elaborate what I’m doing ‘job-wise’ in Turkey. I hope those at home don’t think that I spend ALL my time on the beach, for my purpose thus far has been to endure intensive manual labor in the name of...

Soil, Bedrock, and the Learning Curve

Our work during the first week at Antiochia has been divided (somewhat unevenly, it’s true) between the acropolis and the northeast temple. I’ve been very fortunate in getting to work at both sites. The first two days on the acropolis were exhausting but...

Week one

So, as you may have heard once or twice on this site, Turkey is a pretty warm place. And it turns out that archaeological sites, at least ours, are pretty dirty. Each day as we all troop towards lunch at the end of the work day we all must look like we’ve just...

Week One

So far, the first five days in Turkey have been a blast, and I can’t wait to experience the next three weeks! It was a little rough getting adjusted after a long day of travel and on top of that getting up at 5 am the next day, but I think most of us have made...

Sweaty Diggin’

Hot. Sweaty. Chucking rocks. That pretty much sums up our first few days here at Antioch. Since we are the first group to be excavating the upper acropolis of the Antioch site, there was still a lot of brush, roots, and big rocks that needed to be moved before we...

First Week in Turkey

Turkey is hot. This isn’t exactly news to most people, but as someone used to relatively cool New Jersey summers, the Mediterranean climate takes some getting used to. Despite the heat, this has been an amazing first week as part of the Archeological Field...

Hitting Rock Bottom Is a Good Thing

After five days of solid digging and picking to rid the acropolis south trenches of enormous roots, rockfall, and organic soil, I can say that without a doubt, the dirt and I have become one. I never thought my face could sweat this much, or even my legs, but hauling...

Up in the Temple- Sunday, July 20th, 2014

This week I worked on the site’s temple in the North Eastern Section. The temple in question likely hails from the later days of the empire and is dedicated to one of the Emperors. Of the two trenches for the temple, I dug out the Southern Trench, which already had a...


  The initial tour that we were given of Antiochia ad Cragum on our first day was quite the introduction to archaeology. I was blown away by everything from the temple, to the collanaded street, to the mosaic at the bath house, and even to the trenches that...

A New Adventure Begins!

As the first week of work at Antiochia ad Cragum has come to a close, I want to take a moment and fill you in on what we have been doing so far. This is my second season at Antiochia, and I am so excited to be back as a Peer Educator and get to share my experience...