Mapping Efforts at Antiochia ad Cragum

In addition to quite a few eager Oles figuring out the mysteries of the Acropolis and the Imperial Temple at Antiochia ad Cragum this year, courtesy of  the Environmental Studies Department, St Olaf is also contributing a pair of Trimble GeoXH mapping-grade GPS...

Rock Bottom

Thus ends the first full week of work here at Antiochia ad Cragum. One of the most interesting things I have noticed about the actual digging process is that you never know with 100% certainty what is beneath 1 meter of soil or 1 cm or even a light cover of dust. In...

Turkey Week One

This is my first time leaving the country and it was quite the experience waiting in a Turkish airport for hours. Once we got to Gazipasa it was around midnight and we had a quick turnaround for the 5am start the next day. We get fed breakfast at the school house and...

Turkey Week Two

Now that we have gotten the majority of the rocks thrown off the cliff we got separated into groups and started on our individual trenches. I am in Lizzy’s trench and we are working on leveling the ground and lowering it at about 10cm at time until we get...

AaC Staff: Ask Us Anything

Sort of like the Reddit AMAs, if you’ve been reading the blog, you might have some questions.  Unfortunately, commenting using is limited to St Olaf students, faculty, and staff– which won’t necessarily include the family and friends...

Week Two

Last week I worked on a variety of things at the site. I started off the week helping everyone finish clearing out the acropolis so that we could finally open our trenches. After more rock and brush clearing, we were finally able to measure and mark out our trenches...

Just Keep Digging

This marks the end of our first full week of working at Antiochia. My body aches but everyday we strip away a little, or a lot, more soil, which is pretty neat. On Monday we got our trenches and I have been working in the same trench since. It has been a very exciting...

Ancient Adaptation

We talked earlier this week about the landscape here. In our discussion, we realized that this landscape is bit harsh because humans came in and destroyed it. In reality, this landscape is harsh because that’s what happened after the last great ice age. And...


The first week at Antiochia ad Cragum was spent clearing brush and large stones in order to begin the creation of new trenches on the site. The sites acropolis has been separated into four main trenches: a small out-building at the sites Eastern entrance, a larger...