Reconstructing the Past

Along with digging in the trenches, John Dunne and I have been conducting CURI research learning the best tactics for taking and processing photos in the archaeological field. So far this has included taking photos of coins and using RTI–an imaging...

Week Two

I can hardly believe the week has gone by so fast, it seems like I just wrote my last blog post! I have been learning a lot, about both archaeology and the Turkish culture. We’ve been finding more and more things at the site every day, and we are finally getting...


This past weekend we visited Alanya and went to the Museum of Archeaology which was really interesting. There was some great artifacts and blurbs about things similar to what we are focusing on. There was even a Pegasus ornament that was used on an antique ship that...

The First Commandment

This week in Trench 4, we put together “Claire’s Ten Commandments”, based on the rules of our awesome TA. Commandment 1 is definitely the most important. It’s a phrase heard constantly during the workday: Don’t pry rocks! In Trench 4,...

Doors, Floors, and Walls.

This week was a particularly dynamic one for the TA’s up on the acropolis. There are currently 6 trenches in operation on the acropolis, each with its own unique set of problems and state of excavation. My trench is one of the more “mature” trenches,...

Chipping Away at the Language Barrier

    I’ve traveled to a handful of European countries, and in my experience, it’s usually not that hard to find English speakers there. You speak it tentatively at first, and you feel bad about it, but when you try speaking in the local language,...

It’s All Going by so Fast

I can’t believe that it’s the end of week three already! It was certainly an exciting week up at the Temple.  We continue to make progress on the north trench, dividing it into many different sections as we continue to work on it.  We have found some...


This week up in Claire’s trench we were excited because we thought we might be starting our trenches soon… But it turns out we got to channel that excitement into hauling rocks and excess dirt for another five days. It wasn’t the most glamorous of...

Week Iki

Since the previous week was focused on just learning the ropes of being a beneficial member of the group, this week has allowed to take more notice of my surroundings, where I found two things that took my interest. The first concept that surprised me was just how...