So how do we make it through a day of work?

The day begins by 5, when either your alarm, others being awake, or the call to prayer wakes you. Those first few minutes of awakeness are conquerable with the knowledge that they’ll be followed by a 20 minute van ride upon which one can nap. Upon waking up upon...

Antiochia Ad Cragum Botanical Survey

The natural fauna of Antiochia can be divided into two broad categories: That which wishes to kill you, And that which is confident you’re going to die sometime fairly soon. A prime example of the former is the Murderous Thorned Dandelion, which does a poor job...

Archaeology, Turkey, and The Future

I had originally came on this field school to Antiochia Ad Cragum in order to see if archaeology would be something that I wanted to do as a career and for the rest of my life. But this project has been so much more than just that. From seeing sites like Perge and...

Second Week

After a week of clearing wall fall and loose, organic soil we were finally able to open Trench 4 on the acropolis of Antiochia ad Cragum. After taking beginning measurements for height and trench dimensions, we began another 10 centimeter pass over Locus 2 and we...

We will miss you Antiocheia

Although not an Ole by birthright or registration, Philip H., our Dutch-Australian colleague and friend, certainly has earned a place in this Blog and our community through his easy good cheer and indomitable worth ethic.  At his request, I post his farewell poem...

Archaeology and an Ole

This month in Turkey has ended too soon. So many questions still need contemplation and so many areas need excavation, but I’m hopeful that, in due time, the full extent of this excavation and its web of historical complexities will be fully understood by all...

There and Back Again

And so ends Antiochia Field School 2014. For those who don’t know me, I have had my eyes set on a career in archaeology since Prof. Howe suggested it to me my freshman year at St. Olaf. However, I had no experience with archaeology whatsoever and, to be honest,...

Journey to the Center of the Earth

At the beginning of the second week in trench AC1 we found floor. It was a lovely floor, plastered and smoothed and perfect in every way, save for one little confused corner. I say confused because it was having a serious identity crisis. Anyway, circumstances being...

That’ll Do, Pig. That’ll Do.

Swept, shovelled, cleaned and cleared. The trenches are ready for the rainy Turkish winter,  and we walked away from the acropolis for the last time. It was a bittersweet moment, filled with and odd mixture of “job well done, lad,” and “OMYGAWD NO...