How I Spent My Summer Vacation

This has been one of the most interesting programs I have ever been on. From the culture to the language barrier to the diverse group of people in our class to the unique work we were doing on a daily basis, it is almost impossible to really capture in words what this...


  On Friday, August 15, 2014, Julia Marie Irons <> I had no real idea, before Antiochia, of what it meant to look at a wall, or room, or soil, or piece of pottery, and see points of access for interpretation. It’s not as though...

Final Reflections

My time in Turkey has been rather memorable. I have learned a lot here (like how to tell the difference between schisty soil and bedrock, which is harder than you might think sometimes), and although I am very excited to go home, I am sad to say goodbye. Over the last...


I would not venture to attempt a complete packing list, but I would say, besides dig clothes that might get trashed, to be sure to bring: a water bottle, work gloves, sunglasses, duct tape, ziplock bags, sunscreen, a hat, several bandanas, swim goggles, a tablet or...

De Titulis

That title is actually somewhat misleading, in that Antiochia doesn’t have much to offer by way of Latin inscriptions. (There is at least one: a milestone, erected in the Julio-Claudian period, situated a bit away from our usual stomping grounds.) But what...

Zen and the Art of Archeology

It’s tough to try to summarize a month’s worth of work in a few paragraphs, but nonetheless that’s what we’ve been trying to do with this blog. The innumerable daily challenges and excitements would be impossible for any one person to catalogue...


The past month has flown by at an alarming pace. It’s been an amazing experience in so many ways, and I’ve learned so much. Working on the acropolis I’ve learned more than I ever knew about building techniques and the motivations behind the use of...


This last weekend a few of us rented a car and decided to go adventuring at two nearby sites, Laertes and Syedra. This was a wonderful trip to take near the end of our time here. These two sites, but especially Laertes, are not frequently visited and not very...

We’re not assembling pieces; We’re revealing the whole

I found Antiochia ad Cragum a city of dirt and brambles, and I’m leaving it a city of dirt and rocks. Do you know what I expected on this Archaeological journey? I don’t either. How could I? Until this trip, all of the Greco-Roman world- all of theĀ entire...