Why do I hurt?

Thus far, Turkey has been nothing short of amazing!  However, I have come to realize that this kind of marvelous can come with a price.  From the plants, to the rocks, to the wildlife, and finally to the sea, everything is out to get you.  But not in the Australia...

Week 2

The first full week of excavating is now behind us. Muscles are sore and our trenches are becoming deep. A few interesting features have been uncovered in the last few days, which I will talk about later. We have settled into our work areas for the reminder of the dig...


Today was another returning because it was today that the group visited Anamur, quite possibly my favorite site. Maybe because it is one of the most intact sites, it has a massive necropolis, a significant bath, a theater, multiple pieces of mosaic, and my personal...

Independence and Collaboration

Our first full work week has come and gone, and although we’ve only been here for a week and a half, I feel like we’ve been in Turkey much longer than that. The other students and I have, for the most part, acclamated well to our new surroundings and our...

A Study in Charcoal

Right now I’m sitting in a restaurant run by an expat, eating a cheeseburger and looking at a decorative drawing of Sherlock Holmes. First of all, not what you’d expect from a trip to Turkey, is it? But more to the point, the drawing of Sherlock Holmes reminded me of...

Learning by Doing

Do you remember how in elementary or maybe middle school, when they had everyone take a little quiz to determine what kind of learner you are? Visual, auditory, etc.? Well, I have always been a tactile and kinetic learner. I was the girl in your science lab group who...

You shall not pass!

Though I know the Lord of the Rings was filmed in New Zealand, I think Gandalf’s declaration to the balrog while in the Mines of Moria are easily applicable to the Turkish landscape here in Gazipasa as well. This land is beautiful, but ruggedly so, and every...

Ah Ha!

Last year I wrote a blog entry titled “Ah ha!” – describing the moment when the connections between our site, the sites we had been visiting, and the information gleaned from our lectures came together – this was the moment in which I realized the significance of...

Just keep digging!

5 days have passed since I first arrived at the Istanbul Airport (Ataturk) and a lot has happened. First I had a the chance to take a quick run through the city sightseeing at various points of interest, all while being enamored by the exotic beauty of the country...

The Hike of DOOM

The sun rose hot over Gazipasa this morning. Quickly, the morning shadows shortened and the air rose to its typical stifling temperatures. Rather than spend our day off within the frigid confines of air conditioning, we ventured out to unknown horizons with one goal...