Murder ad Cragum (Part 1)

I like my cases like I like my coffee: dark and bitter, with a little grit at the end. So when the dame stepped into my office, I thought she looked promising. Any dick worth his badge (or worth his pay, if he’s in my line of work) could tell she was out for blood....

Peach Cobbler

I am all for summer cookouts. The sizzle of burgers on the grill, the sensation of piping-hot cobbler mixing with freezing vanilla ice cream, the subtle hint of sweet corn in the air – I love it all. This, however, is not a common occurrence in Turkey; in fact, it...

A Libation to the Acropolis

And so it begins, the final ascent, The last couple days to go and repent To gods perched atop the acropolis high Who hold secrets close, though you may pry. They burn you with sun and flog you with heat, Those apocryphal gods who think they’re so neat. And the only...

Wrapping up

Without hesitation I would repeat this experience again. A day hasn’t gone by that I feel a little homesick or worn out, but these negative feelings pale in comparison with positives incurred. For everything I have gained, experience, knowledge, friends,...

Summer Camp for Grown-Ups

I’d like to begin this blog post with the caveat that I am not a “real” adult in any shape or form; I can barely make easy mac for myself, have to coach myself through every phone call that is not to a family member, and answer every question of, “So, what do you want...


During my time here in Turkey, I’ve learned many new interesting things about the way people live here and have learned to fit in with the environment. I think it is amazing just how resilient and adaptable humans can be, since we can survive in such a range of...

Lousy Lamos Looters

As you probably know, each weekend we take a field trip to a different archaeological site in the area. Today’s journey brought us to Lamos, the summer retreat for the wealthy people of antiquity. It was a beautiful day to visit; after a harrowing bus ride up into the...

A Snapshot

I thought it would be entertaining to post a snapshot of my average dig day schedule, even an exaggerated one, so here it goes: 4:50am – wake up…groan…hide face in pillow…get out of bed…stumble around in dark…get blinded by bathroom light...

Hands-on Connection with History

This trip to Turkey has been a wonderful experience for me, and through it I have been able to experience some different customs, traditions, and ways of life. In particular, I’ve done a few activities while here that make me feel as though I have a better...

A Couple of

I want to talk about Turkey for this one. I want to talk about my experiences, interactions, what have you, with this country that I have been living in for the past couple of weeks. I’ll start with a little background. Last year was my first visit. My dad flew...