Getting Down and Dirty

Working as an archeologist has been a hard and crazy experience complete with scorpions, snakes, lots of bushes and dirt. But the biggest eye opener has been spending time with the students from Turkey. Being thrown into a different culture is hard, but living with a...

Ispanak and Findik

When my flight touched down in Gazipaşa-Alanya Airport seven days ago, I had no idea that in one week’s time, my knowledge and perspective would have evolved so drastically. My experience here has been nothing but laughter, learning, and of course dirt (and...

In Praise of Ace

My most meaningful interactions here have been with a Turkish student named Ace. My friend Leah and I arrived a day early, and Ace and her friends offered to take us to the beach in our spare time. We wandered out of the dig house around 2pm, very hungry but very...

Some Final Thoughts

Living and working in Turkey for a month has been probably one of the most interesting, unique, and influential experiences of my life. I learned more than I imagined I would about myself, Turkish culture, the history of the area and yes, archaeology as well. After...


Everything is over, I am the last straggler at the dig house. The excavation ended on Thursday, it was a hell of a day. Supposedly there is some magic that never ceases to occur on these final days, and I prove it true. I had a profound archaeologist moment when I...

Expectations and Endings

When I was little I would check the mail everyday with the hopes of finding a yellow-trimmed, plastic-wrapped magazine. When our National Geographic made its way to our house every month I would pore through the pages, feeling a little self-important because look how...

Adventures of The Filthy Five (Finale)

  AC5 closed                                                           AC4 closed   Alas, the time has come for the end of our heroes’, The Filthy Five’s, epic journey at Antiochia ad Cragum. As the beautiful and sparkling nymphs weep along the ancient coastline...

Final Week- Reflection

Working at Antiochia and Cragum has been such a wonderful experience for me. Just being with a group of hard working peers and forming connections with the Turkish students who are just as hard working, interested in learning about the site, and have other outside...

Wait… We’re done?

If anyone were to ask me to describe my experience in Turkey, the only phrase that immediately comes to mind, would be “breakneck.”  From the very moment I arrived, up to me now writing this last blog in the relative comfort of my dust-ridden bed,...