“Is this pottery or rock?” and other questions

Some people think that archaeology is a really specialized field, that the skills you learn can only be applied to very specific situations. And yes, I have learned specialized skills such as the proper way to hold my trowel when excavating and how to determine if a...

Week Two

I have learned many skills at the Antiochia ad Cragum dig site. During the past two weeks, I worked with archaeological tools, including the trowel and pickaxe. I took elevations using a level, measuring rod, and scales. Additionally, I cleaned and drew pottery. As I...

How to Wield a Trowel for Dummies

Potential employer: So, you have archaeology in Turkey on your resume. Me: *smiles* Yes! Potential employer: That must have been a fun vacation. Me: *confused* Um– Potential employer: Why did you waste your time on a vacation? Me: *shakes head* Allow me to...

Archeological learning

Archeology has a surprising amount of global skills that are applicable in many situations. Calling an archeological internship opportunity a “vacation” is at best counterproductive. It might be true that the work was fulfilling and Turkey is an amazing place, with...

Patrick’s blog post title

Starting on last Thursday, this is the first full week at the new site. In the days past we have excavated the exterior walls, which have afforded us great incentive and a point of reference to measure progress against. Par for the course, the weather has been hot and...

As An imperfect Actor On the Stage…

What the heck is a theatre major doing at an archeological dig in Turkey? Besides quoting sonnets under her breath at weird times and torturing her dig partner (thanks Turco) with the entire Les Miserables cast album, she’s actively working towards her goal of working...

Teamwork makes the Dream-work

The unceasing question of  “what does one do with a history major” often lacks a satisfactory answer to the fiscally minded individual. If I had a dollar for every time someone stated, “ at least my biology degree will be ensure that I have a job when I graduate,” I...

Reconstruct the Parameters

“I have an archaeological internship in Turkey for the month of July…. Yeah, it is pretty unique…. No, I don’t know anything about archaeology…. Yup, it’ll be an adventure!” I found myself repeating phrases like these throughout all of June as family friends and...

It’s name is NIVO

Working as an archaeologist has been hard work, the farthest from a vacation. There have been many different skills I learned throughout the last two weeks that will eventually help me in my future career. One of the most important skills that I have learned is...