Week 4: What I Learned in Turkey is…

If I were to be asked in a job interview about my time doing archaeology in Turkey, I fear I would have so much to say that it would take up the entire interview. The first thing I would want to emphasize is the daily schedule. I wake up at 4:45 every weekday, and we...

The Archeologist Who Munselled Me

(Other working titles included “Sherds Are Forever,” “From Antiochia with Love,” and “The Man with the Golden Trowel”) I step off the helicopter, taking in the sights and sounds of the private jungle island. I make my way into the secret base inside of the volcano,...

An extremely anthropological experience

If I were to be asked in a job interview about my experiences doing archaeology in Turkey, I would want my potential employer to know not only about the physical aspects of archaeology, but also what this experience has taught me about myself, being abroad, and...

Talking About Turkey

If I were asked in a job interview to talk about my experience doing archaeology in Turkey, I would probably respond initially by saying there was a lot I could say, and then asking if there was anything in particular the interviewer was interested in and responding...

Archaeology for Anthropologists ._.

The option of doing a archeological internship, despite not planning and currently studying Archaeology as a professional career can be random to some people in their own professions. But for me as a future Anthropologist, I beg to differ. Even though their...

I like to carry rocks down the hill

It’s the end of our second week of work in Turkey. The most noticeable difference I have found in my abilities is my stamina. Before our first day of work, some of the field students and I hiked this small mountain to get a view of the sunset from these...

Week 2: What I Learned

I underestimated how much physical labor goes into archaeology. I was warned that it would be hard work, but I had no clue how much it would entail. However, it is rewarding work. I never thought that I would get so excited over digging in the ground and finding a...

Week 3: It’s Still Really Hot

To say that my time in Turkey has been a learning experience would be an understatement. There has been a constant influx of knowledge since my arrival, both academic and personal in nature. My academic growth is fairly easy to pin down. I came into this with very...

Archaeology and Me

After two weeks of working, I have learned the deep intricacies of Archaeology, which extend beyond the limits of the ground in which we dig. Coming into this, I knew very little past the science of it, and the practice of doing it. Dig artifacts up from the earth,...