Mostly Familiar

Things have changed a great deal from when I first came here, and more often than not in a positive rather than negative way. First major change: I thought archaeology was a much more isolated field of study than most others, but the more I stay here, the more...

A Rainy Day

Eight days into the excavation and I have learned that I hate the rain here. With Thursday bringing enough rain to cancel a day of excavation, my team and I are unable to finish leveling AC6C and start removing wall-fall near the east wall and start to expose what...

All quiet on the southern shore

I stand, slowly, from my diggers-squatting position, wiping the sweat off my brow with a soot covered sleeve, to admire my handiwork. I find myself standing in a 2/3 or so meter-deep trench, after several days of digging, completed with the help of my two...

A dream of rocks and dirt

Early last week, Mary asked if we saw rocks when we closed our eyes. Everyone laughed. Now, as we approach the end of week 2, the rocks have infiltrated my dreams. I see the cistern wall and the ever-lowering pit of dirt and rocks when I go to sleep at night. I think...

This site is a bottomless pit—literally.

     Over the last 8 days, I’ve learned that chucking a rock of a cliff as far as you possibly can is a very satisfying (although slightly terrifying) experience. I’d like to think I’m getting stronger with every bucket of rocks and dirt. At least, I hope I am,...

10,000 Leagues under Ground Level

I have learned a great deal about myself in these past 8 days both on a physical and intellectual level. Physically I think that this past week of excavation has given me a great deal of confidence in my physical ability. As someone who does not do a lot of sports,...

Personal Experiences

With week 2 almost at a close, I think my experiences so far in Gazipaşa have been both revealing and rewarding. On a personal level, I think the (sometimes) monotonous college lifestyle can make work seem a chore, and the labor we have done on the acropolis has put...

First Impressions

Oh my is there so much to talk about, even in the first two/three days. I’ll get the things I had issues with first, as they are probably fewer and I can spend more time doing what I really want: raving about how good this is. I have three problems with where I...

Turkey is Cool, Even Though it’s Hot

So far my time in Turkey has been really good and I like it here. I had never been out of the country before this, so every part of it has been an adventure! One of the things I especially love is how beautiful it is here. I am so amazed by the scenery at the dig site...