Digging Up New Life Skills

There are many different aspects of my experience working on an archaeological dig that I would bring up in a job interview, a few of them being the work ethic, culture, critical thinking, and leadership I have developed over this time. There is a lot of physical...

Trowel and Error

My time in Turkey was both personally transformative and was an excellent way to build key skills that would help me in any workplace. First and foremost, I acquired many important skills. Attention to detail, operational planning and work ethic were all generally...

“I don’t know and that’s cool,” TH

There are so many things that I don’t know. There are so many things that no one really knows, and so many things that no one wants to know. But one thing I now know, is that it is okay to not know. In fact, it’s great to not know something because then you have the...

Antiochia for Employers

If a potential employer were to ask about my time thus far in Turkey, I would have several points to discuss. Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, is the ability to successfully work in a team. Over the past month the vast majority of the time spent working on site...

Why Archaeology is Worth Doing

As my time in Turkey comes to an end, I’d like to reflect briefly on why archaeology is worth doing. It’s not patently obvious that we should care about archaeology. Why bother with the stuff of the past when we have enough to deal with in the present? My answer to...

Why this?

Archaeology in Turkey is something I decided to take a chance on and it was an amazing experience. I came with limited knowledge related to archaeology and history of Ancient Greek, artistic interest, and curiosity. Never did I imaging how much art is incorporated...

Not just moving rocks and dirt…

In Turkey, my job consisted of excavating, keeping detailed notes on that excavation, and washing pottery. Every work day, we left for the site at 5:30 am, had breakfast, dug, had a tea break for half an hour at 10, then back to digging until 1 when we had lunch, back...

Battle of the Employee

Being asked about a Turkish archaeology internship I completed in the past in a job interview setting would certainly not be the oddest thing to ever happen, yet still oddly specific. If a potential employer were to ask, I would likely spend a lot of time discussing...

It Does Not Always Belong in a Museum

If I was back in the USA and someone made Indiana Jones jokes to me because they knew I was on a dig, I would probably stare at them with a blank expression for several minutes and as my brain would try to comprehend why they would think that was funny. After I get...

Digging and Journaling

I don’t remember Indiana Jones ever digging up or journaling his findings. It may be that I haven’t seen the movies in too long. More likely, he’s taking all the fun trips, while the excavating and documenting of everything is left to some unsung...