Small Bath

My goal for this internship was to gain introductory experience in as many different aspects of archeology as I could, and this week’s work answered my wishes with me being redirected to the small bath for the duration of the week.I began the week by uncovering the...

The Best Workout Routine

Working on the dig site this week has been incredibly challenging and rewarding. The labor itself is very hard: days at the site are exhausting, bringing sore muscles and a desperate need to nap on the bus back. That being said, I have learned to appreciate these...

Week 2: thoughts on archaeology

While working at the digestie in Antiochia, there has been much about myself that I’ve now realized in regards to my physical and mental limits/abilities that I had not thought about earlier. Working at the digsite has proven to be quite the endeavor, having to work...

Turkish and Roman Lore, by Kyle Colby

The first week in Turkiye was an introduction to the ancient site and people. I learned that Gazipasa is like any other city; that Turks like any other group of people. However, this second week has revealed a new revaluation… the similarities between past and...

Putting Up with Schist

The beautiful nature of extended experiences like this is that you get to see your peers at their best and worst. By living with my peers and new friends for two weeks now, I have had the chance to interact with everyone at their best of times and worst of times....

Week 2

Since we first began working at the dig site last Monday, I have learned a lot about archeology. Going into this trip, I was expecting not to find many artifacts in the soil. However, since we started excavating, we are constantly finding pottery, bones, and other...

Yard Work by Liz Mills

The primary jobs I focused on this week was wheelbarrowing and articulating the walls and corners on the second floor. While wheelbarrowing did provide many good lessons, such as the importance of working as a cohesive unit, the fact that many hands make light work,...

First Impressions of Turkey

I did not know what to expect of Turkey as I disembarked the plane at the Gazipasa airport. My only previous experience with the country involved my awestruck self gazing at vast coastlines that separated the most blue of waters from lush deserts, and jagged...

week 1: work hard, play hard

My first week in Gazipasa– chaotic, in an awesome way. Before the work on site even started, the first few days here were tough; we were trying to get acclimated to a new country, new people, and new culture all while coming off of a long-haul international flight. We...

Thank You, Türkiye!

Traveling to Turkey has been an adventure full of surprises. I’m from the Midwest next to the Great Plains region, and before this I had never seen a mountain range in my life. Turkey’s high cliffs, hot sandy beaches, and dusty powdered earth are a change. Lots of the...