For Future Interns

The strongest piece of advice I would give to future interns is to try to get to know everyone. Everyone outside of you Oles are from across America and Europe. Their stories are amazing. They are all eager to talk about their research and daily site activities....

For those who follow

I felt well prepared in terms of what I packed for this program. I purchased a number of SPF-Shirts that are designed in some specific way to protect the body beneath it from the sun. I loved these shirts, but I cannot speak to their effectiveness, as even on days...

A Guide to Pretty Much What I Learn (._.)

Traveling can be hard. Traveling to another country for the first time can be harder if I don’t say so myself. But with the challenges I faced when traveling to and later from Turkey for this archeological internship, I wouldn’t say it’s impossible....

Week 5 (Final): After All is Said and Done

When I first arrived in Gazipaşa, I found the idea of spending over four weeks here a bit daunting. It is both the farthest I’ve been from home and the longest I’ve ever been away. However, I very quickly became quite comfortable here, and despite a fairly...

Climbing Out of the Hole I Dug Myself into

I find myself, for the last time, in a familiar location: I’m in a coffee shop sweating bullets while racking my brain for the contents of my blog post. I normally try to put some fun, wacky twist on my posts, but for now I’m in more of a reflective mood. The first...

Final Thoughts: Walls, Walls, and More Walls!

There is so much that I could tell those who will participate in the future.  One thing that I found to be super important is to always have a snack to eat at çay time.  Buying these snacks will entail a quick trip to a convenience store with some particular favorites...

Running on Ekmek

To start off, I have a lot of advice for future participants. I think the most important advice is to pace yourself. It takes time to learn all the archaeology that you learn, and it takes time to acclimate to the heat as well as the work itself. Part of this involves...

Bite into the work

The most marketable skill that I have developed during this internship program is the ability to bite into the work. Digging is not easy. Not remotely. It is physically and mentally draining. The sun is hot, the air is thick, your progress is slow and oftentimes...

Three Things

During my time in Turkey, there were a few primary things that I learned that are important to the kind of work I want to do in my future. The first is the plain work ethic. I would wake up at 5 every morning and get ready for a long day of digging. Now this digging...