Final Thoughts

When I heard about this program it seemed so outrageous that I just had to go. I never imagined that I would have the opportunity to do real archaeology– it was one of the careers that my parents joked about me doing, but not something I could ever picture...

Buckets on buckets on buckets

I carried a lot of buckets this week. Up in trench four of the acropolis we are still doing large 20-30 cm passes, as the fill that we are excavating is still very sterile. Hence, we are still going at it with big picks and shovels, and I soon found my place in the...


This week I was fortunate to have a change in scenery and got to work at the temple for four days. The beautiful marble temple is a pretty stark contrast to our far less excavated and more rag-tag little village on the acropolis. I was excited to be assigned my own...


This week up in Claire’s trench we were excited because we thought we might be starting our trenches soon… But it turns out we got to channel that excitement into hauling rocks and excess dirt for another five days. It wasn’t the most glamorous of...


  The initial tour that we were given of Antiochia ad Cragum on our first day was quite the introduction to archaeology. I was blown away by everything from the temple, to the collanaded street, to the mosaic at the bath house, and even to the trenches that...