
The past month has flown by at an alarming pace. It’s been an amazing experience in so many ways, and I’ve learned so much. Working on the acropolis I’ve learned more than I ever knew about building techniques and the motivations behind the use of...


This last weekend a few of us rented a car and decided to go adventuring at two nearby sites, Laertes and Syedra. This was a wonderful trip to take near the end of our time here. These two sites, but especially Laertes, are not frequently visited and not very...


This last week my room learned that waking up at 5 in the morning is made significantly less pleasant by using “Heigh-ho” from Disney’s Snow White as your alarm. You may not know this – none of us did – but the song begins with a chorus...

Week one

So, as you may have heard once or twice on this site, Turkey is a pretty warm place. And it turns out that archaeological sites, at least ours, are pretty dirty. Each day as we all troop towards lunch at the end of the work day we all must look like we’ve just...