Experiences Had and Skillz Learned

After spending about a month in the hot, humid Mediterranean weather, this experience has come to an end. I really enjoyed it and learned so much. A lot of the things I learned were small bits of information and details that really help to see bigger pictures of what...

Antiochia ad Cragum

My second year in college, I was given the opportunity to travel to Turkey with my school to participate in an archaeological research internship. I spent 4 weeks in Gazipasa, Turkey working on the site of Antiochia ad Cragum. I learned about the history and the...

Patience and Curiously

I have adapted more to all the physical work we have to do; on the first day, I think a lot of us got back to the rooms and we all just showered and knocked out because we were so tired. After a few days, I got more used to the work and the days went by faster so I...

(beautiful) Garden Work

We’ve begun! Sort of. We got down and dirty mainly doing your average garden/landscaping work. We’ve been clearing away a lot of rocks and roots; going at the rocks with the big horn axes and exposing the really big tough roots so they can be easily pulled...